Chapter 14

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"Toby you're starting to fade.." Fitz watched as the spirit lacked certain parts of his body. Toby looked down and seen one of his hands disappearing along with one of his legs. "This is it.." he whispered to himself with a small smile.

The older already had tears in his eyes, he had grown attached to the younger and couldn't imagine life without him. For the past month he's been coming and talking to the ghost without Smii7y and Mason, talked about their lives and how it used to be. They talked about how heaven or hell would look, Toby kept thinking he was going to hell making Fitz yell at him.

About their past relationships and John and Fitz would be lying if he said his chest didn't hurt. "I kinda don't want you to go even though it sounds selfish." Fitz felt a tear slide down the round side of his cheek along with many more.

Toby noticed this and quickly opened his arms for the boy allowing Fitz to hug him tightly around the neck. The older wrapped his arms around his waist as they sat like that for a while. Slowly his body came back to his normal figure making the both of them pull away.

"What happened?" The spirit asked but Fitz went back to hugging him not really caring but glad he didn't disappear. Toby tested to see if he was still a ghost or not and went invisible from Fitz eyes. "N-No.."

Fitz fell to the ground, no figure holding him up as he patted around for the older. "T-Toby?" He whispered with wide eyes and didn't see the said boy anywhere. "T-Toby?!" He shouted and the boy quickly reappeared and hugged the younger from behind.

"I'm still here, I'm still here, stop being so dramatic idiot ." Fitz grabbed at the arms wrapped around him and held them close. His tears wouldn't stop and he feared the day he actually did disappear. He knew it was stupid to fall for a ghost but he didn't care about how in the end it'd just end up hurting him.

"I'm so glad I met you, even if it was in the worst way possible. I'm glad I got to know your angry and bitter sweet side, that little smile you'd show when I do something stupid. How you'd call me an idiot but when you seen it hurt me you'd hold my hand a-and call me it again." A small broken chuckle left his mouth making whatever pit inside of Toby wail.

"I'm sorry.." his voice cracked and shakes at the thought while Toby just buried his face in Fitz's hair. "I'm so sorry I'm selfish.. I'm so sorry I fell—"

"It's okay, don't apologize." He didn't wanna hear those words because it'd also hurt him. He hates to admit it but he's also fell for the bubbly idiot that came to visit him everyday. They both knew it wasn't gonna end well, Fitz not caring while Toby cared. He was scared the boy would do someone stupid.


*John's POV*

I need to get whatever thoughts I have of Smii7y outside my head but I can't. Something was screaming at me not to, 'don't do it or he'll get hurt', 'you're a fuck up who can't protect the one he loves so don't even try it.'

My thoughts were right. I couldn't, especially a man. "John..." Smii7y was still lying on my bed and I looked down to see him studying my face. "What?" He blushed and quickly looked down and hid his face in my chest. I chuckled at the action.

"Smii7y," He hummed and I looked at his side of the bed, the area clean with different kinds of posters on the wall so I kept my attention on one of them. "The first time I met you I hated you with every fiber of my being because I thought you were a slutty bastard.

"Aww that's nice." He mumbled sarcastically making me chuckle and continue. "After a while I got to see how fucking cute you were, you looked like a new porcelain doll begging to be used. I wanted to keep you as a toy, lusting over you every chance I got but it didn't seem right, I didn't even know where that weird urge came from."

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