Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and the shower running. I pulled the covers from over my head with expectantly dried up tears on my cheeks. Today was the day I get kicked out of college, second day, I haven't been to all my classes. In fact, none of my classes. Only college that gave me a discount and now I'll have to save up and pay another college. What am I gonna tell my parents?

The soothing sound of the shower was still going and I sat up in the bed, scanning the room. I didn't feel like leaving or moving because there was no point. My whole future ruined because of someone else. My mind was spinning at the thoughts so I got up and threw on some pants and walked out of the room. I entered the hallway, looking for Fitz room number so I could say goodbye to the naked mole rat. My steps were slow and steady, looking around at the different room numbers with crazy door signs. I smiled brokenly and made my way to his room number. I knocked a few times before going silent and rocking back and forth on my heels.

After a few moments the lock rattled and the door opened showing a boy with black hair. He looked as though he just got out the shower and had a mischievous grin on his face and a towel around his waist.

"I didn't order a short male but you'll do." He shrugged and moved out the way to let me in. I rolled my eyes and walked in, eyes searching for the brown headed boy.

I turned around to meet the mysterious boy behind me. "Do you share a room with a guy that likes to call himself Fitz, extremely tall?"

He raised one eyebrow and walked over to his bed. "Yeah, why? They don't usually ask who I share my room with." I folded my arms and sighed.

"Look ass, I'm not one of your hook ups and why would you be doing that early in the-"

"Sex never sleeps and never wakes, morning or night you can get it." He lied back on the bed smirking and that was my cue to exit the room immediately.

"I'm Scotty and your Smii7y, Fitz is gone." I nodded and groaned. Where the hell could he have gone? I opened the door and stepped out into the empty hallway.

"No thank you sex? People are rude and ungrateful these days." I fake laughed and slammed the door walking back to my room. I chuckled and shook my head, now I see why Fitz left.

I walked back to my room and opened it seeing as though I forgot to lock it. I entered it and walked over to my bed, I didn't sit down but rather stood up. The shower cut off and it was suddenly silent, I picked up my suitcase and seen the clothes still in there. I'm glad I didn't unpack.

My mind started to wander again. My mom was going to be upset and dad angry. I won't have nowhere to go and I'll be alone and depressed while Fitz gets his degree. Living a happy life, if he wasn't my best friend I'd kill him. I know he did it for me to get out more and to let loose before the college life started but that was a horrible idea. Me and luck aren't on the best of terms sadly, so it was stupid of me to go. I can't blame nobody but myself. Not even that ass is the reason for my problems. I wanted to cry and bury myself in my covers forever.

The bathroom door opened and the last person I wanted to see walked out. He was wearing only a towel wrapped around his waist and hair damp as it hung over his forehead. He did a horrible job at drying himself, also a weird looking stick hung from his mouth. He shook his hair and ran a hand through it before feeling my presence. My body froze and I didn't know what the hell to do. Should I shank him or run but before I do all that, kill him?

He walked my way with rage feeling his eyes. He pressed me against the wall by his one arm and looked me in my eyes. It all happened so fast that I didn't have time to reciprocate the situation.

"If you weren't getting ready to kill me i probably would be all hard and bothered." I smiled smugly and he pushed me harder up against it causing me to groan in pain.

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