Chapter 9

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" I swear to God I hate that narcissistic and hypocritical asshole Fitz." It's been a week and the same shit has been happening. Every time he stayed the night over his girlfriends house he'd come back teasing and bothering me. No matter what time, it could be 6 in the morning and he'd wake me up to annoy me.

"Talking about yourself like that is bad for your mental health."I rolled my eyes and slumped my shoulders as he chuckled under his breath. "I'm serious you idiot." I groaned before he looked up as if he was thinking.

"Well just ask for another room." My best friend offered with a shrug, that's honestly a good idea but then again it'd feel like I'm losing here. Damn my pride. "That's a good idea and I hate losing." He furrowed his eyebrows at me and I could tell he thought I had lost my mind.

"And honestly who's winning here, me or him? I'm gay and he has a nice body, straight, and a girlfriend that he's cheating on just to fuck around with me." I stated proudly before snorting at his shocked expression. "Good ego booster."

"You're fucked up." He pointed out before pushing my head off of his lap and walking towards his bathroom. "I have to pee."

"I was only joking Fitz~" I whined but got no reply. "Well half joking. That body of his is honestly magnificent like have you see—"

"Shut your gay ass up!" I felt something hit the back of my head and looked down to see it was a role of toilet paper. "Oh but you love my gay ass." I shouted back with a smirk.

"I have to stop this though. Maybe I should have a talk with his girlfriend-ah." A smirk made its way on my face.

*John POV*

"You seem as though you're having a hard time." It was true. The past week my want only grew more and more for that stupid brunette despite me almost wanting to murder him. Now I just wanna wreck him.

"Earth to Kryass." If I hear somebody call me that name one more time. "Shut up mini-fuck, I'm trying to think." We were on the football field eating lunch. The period that was supposed to be out here were in the weight rooms leaving the field alone. We sat in the middle of it and plucked the fake grass and turf.

"About what?" Craig or mini, whatever you wanna call the dumbass has been my friend for a good 5 years ever since I was in my freshman year of college. His accent and English is funny but he knows the language way better than me mainly because I stink at talking my own language. English is hard. "Nothing."

When I didn't get a reply I looked over at him to see him staring back at me. "What?" He only knitted his eyebrows together with his arms crossed over his chest.

"It's nothing I'm just hurt bro that you're lying to me but it's all good bro because we only knew each other for a year and not 5, right bro?" I cringed at his pout and the continuous use of bro before I began laughing. "Nothing's funny."

He said before laughing as well. "I'll tell you just, just don't tell anyone else or make a big deal out of it-"

"Make a big deal out of what?" I felt a heavy weight on my shoulders and head and two arms on either side of me. I looked up making the head come up off of mine. "Tyler get off, you're heavy!"

Let's go into more of detail Tyler, he's a football player, tall, dyes his hair a lot and it's currently dark brown and he wears glasses. I've known him for 2 years, me and him being acquaintances until we got closer but immediately went right back to being acquainted. I can trust him despite our on and off relationship.

"Nah." He placed his head back on top of mine. "And.. Make a big deal out of what?"

"Nothing you koala with tree bark hair." He chuckled and only pushed down further and it was honestly hurting my back. "Haha I just pictured it. Hey mini." Mini smiled brightly, him and mini were close as well seeing as most of their classes were together.

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