Chapter 11

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"So you're J-John's ex?" I asked hesitantly, still shocked by the news that this figure standing in front of me was a spirit. He simply nodded and resumed to sitting back down on the roof. "Why are you here?"

"John has to fall in love for me to leave.." He admitted and lied on the ground with his eyes closed. Fitz and Mason stopped freaking out after a while and walked closer to my side. "Y-You could have told me I was talking to a fucking ghost." I spat.

I shouldn't even be angry but I didn't know how to take in all of this. "Oh I'm so sorry your highness, I should've told you I was dead and walking the world to fulfill my ex boyfriend." He retorted back and rolled on his side looking away from us.

A sigh escaped me and I sat down beside the boy. I looked down at him and he was indeed pale, I just didn't understand how I couldn't have known something was off. Him not coming to classes and when I asked about him to the teachers they'd give me strange looks. "I'm sorry..."

He didn't say anything and we all sat in silence for a minute. Finally Fitz spoke up and sat on the other side of Toby, I'm guessing he's starting to feel more comfortable. "So, you're here so that your asshole boyfriend finds someone he loves and becomes happy."

Toby nodded and Mason sat on side of me and stared at the boy in bewilderment. "Didn't he have a girlfriend though, he's known her for a couple of years." Toby flinched before relaxing. "Yeah But he didn't love her. I'm still here, he didn't love her, she was more of an escape for him.."

"Wait.. so is he straight or bi??" Mason asked in confusion. "I.. don't know. That's something I can't even answer about him despite me being his life for 6 years."

I felt as though this was a touchy subject but my curiosity got the best of me. "W-What happened— I mean how did you, you know..?" I asked and he sighed before sitting up and turning to look at all three of us.

"He was 13 and I.. was 15..."


"Hey John." I heard the familiar dark haired boy shout and run towards me. We've been friends since we were 5 and before I knew it, I began to love him. We had so much in common.. our love for gaming and music, for drawing and coloring, our names were even the same. Of course he didn't know that having a boyfriend was bad so he agreed.

We entered the park holding hands and talking about the most random things. "John, why is being boyfriends looked down upon. My friends said it was bad, I thought love was love."

I smiled and kissed his cheek before pulling him closer. "Because not everyone knows the value of having someone special, someone to love and care for. So, they take it out on others because they aren't happy." He nodded held my hand tighter and I was content.

He didn't wanna stay in the house but instead wanted to come outside, saying 'we shouldn't have to hide'. Of course I thought it was a dumb idea but i couldn't say no to the way he begged and pleaded to go to the park. I said yes.

Our sweet moment was interrupted by four boys walking towards us with smirks and grins on their face and one of them whistled. They looked about 16 and I was wondering why they had to bother us on this fine day.

"Well well well, look what we have here.." They circled around us and I pulled John closer to me. "A couple of faggots tainting the park."

"Are you sure it isn't your carbon dioxide that's tainting this beautiful area. The air has become a bit more green." I retorted and smirked when he glared and came closer to me.

"John when I tell you to run, run." I whispered to him as he visibly froze. "Look at me bitch!" I felt a punch fly to my jaw making me fly back into the frozen boy. "Run!" I shouted and fought the two guys behind us to leave an open space but he sat there.

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