Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


A week has passed since I did my last serum test and it is now time for another one. Katherine and the rest of the scientists were very pleased at how I managed to lie against such a strong truth serum.

I had told Tobias all about my last tests and he claimed he was proud with my progress, yet there was something in his eyes that suggested otherwise.

"So how's the serum testing been, babe?" Tobias asks me in a slightly strained voice after dinner one night.

"It's been very intense but I know that all the strain will be worth it in the end..." I trail of when I get a glimpse at his face. His jaw is clenched and his eyes darkened.

"It's straining you?"

"Um, well yeah but I'm fine..." I mumble quietly under his patronizing gaze.

"Tris just please listen to me! You might not be able to see it but I can; you're becoming weaker, Tris. This serum stuff is having an effect on you and I can't lose you again." His voice holds all the vulnerability that only I know and a frown etches onto my face.

I stay silent; not sure how to answer.

He sighs and drops his voice to a whisper, "Just please look after yourself Tris. Go to the gym or something because abusing your body mentally will have a big effect on you, and I just don't want to see you hurt."

I nod my head. There is a deep sadness in his eyes that I can't bear so I promise him that I will look after myself.

I press my lips to his and kiss him.

- - -

I wake up early the next morning, ready for my next serum test. I leave a note for Tobias explaining my absence even though I know he won't be happy.

The walk takes no time at all. I munch on an apple while thinking about Tobias.

My thoughts come to an abrupt halt when I notice a sign up on the glass door or the lab.

'Tris - Please make your way to the

Airport for you next test - Katherine'

"Huh," I mutter, scowling at the paper.

A short sigh escaped my lips as I turned around to walk to the airport.

Jeez I'm lazy, I think.

- - -

When I arrive at the impromptu 'lab' I am greeted by Katherine.

"Good Morning Tris,"

"Moring," I reply nonchalantly.

If my tone annoyed her, she didn't show it. She leads me down a tunnel that takes me to a control pit. Buttons and screens line the walls. My first thought is that Tobias would be much more at home here than me.

"Okay so for your test today we are using memory serum. You have two options. You can give us permission to access your memories to pick one that you don't mind using for our test. Meaning you will forget it. Or we can insert a memory into your brain that will have no significance to you whatsoever." She explains.

"I'm not using my memories." I blurt out probably much too quickly.

"Are you sure? The test will work better if we use a personal memory."

I hesitate with my answer. Do I want to put everything into this test and risk these scientists finding out about Divergence again after all I have been through?

No I don't.

"I'm sure." I hold my head high.

Katherine gives me a slightly irritated look but continues on anyways. I am definitely testing this woman's limits.

After being seating a new scientist approaches me. Her young face reminds me of my old Abnegation self.

"H-hello, I'm Maisie." She mumbles quietly.

"Hi" I mumble back.

"Uh, we have a selection of memories to give you. They're simple things like a babies laugh, um, snow falling things like that."

I'd only seen snow a few times in my life so I replied, "The snow please."

" let me just get the needle ready..."

She fumbled around with the needle and liquid for a while and the only noise in the room was the occasional sound of metal or liquid.

She returned to my side and wiped my neck with andesitic. "Can I do it please?" I asked, remembering the vow to only ever insert needles myself.

", can she?" she trained her eyes to Katherine whose bottom lip was being kneaded by her teeth.


"Excuse me?" I was slightly surprised at her sharp tone.

"Why do you want to do it yourself? Is there a problem with Maisie?"

I glanced up at the girl who looked as if she was about to cry.

"No of course not, I just like to do them myself." My voice held a slight hardness as I looked back at Katherine.

Her icy blue eyes glared at me. She spat out a 'fine' and folded her arms across her chest.

I was handed the needle by a very wide-eyed Maisie. My hold was firm as I pushed the cold metal into my neck and inserted the silvery liquid.

My eyes fluttered shut then my brain started burning.

A yelp tore from my mouth as my hands flew to my head. It was like a hundred headaches all at once.

"Embedding the memory will give you a slight burning sensation, but it will be over in a matter of minutes. No need to overreact." She smirked.

I gritted my teeth and muttered under my breath, "Thanks for the warning, bitch."

- - -

After doing all of the usual preparations, it was time to go under the serum. The memory was short and basic. My fake memory self looks out the window and sees snow falling so runs outside and 'frolics' around in the snow, something I would never do.

The objective of this serum is to try and not lose the memory.

I am taken to another room, this time a nameless white-clad figure my only company.

The room is like all the other serum test rooms that I have been in, only you can tell this one is temporary.

I sit and wait for the serum, which is again in gas form, to take effect.

All of my thoughts are focused on this one boring, meaningless memory.

Boredom starts to settle in and knowing that Katherine is watching I glance at my watch. I can just imagine the way she clenches her jaw in frustration. But then the lights dim and the memory feels like it is being taken from my grasp. It begins to blur and fade away. I strain to try and keep the memory clear and from slipping away but with no such luck.

Sweat stains the back of my neck as I cry out when the memory shimmers and is gone.

My brain is empty. I have no thoughts; it is just blackness.

But then the lights raise and I come crashing back to reality.

{A/N; hi guys! i am so sorry for not upadting for so long but i was on holiday ❂◡❂ so i was not updating. hope you like this chapter i think its slightly longer than the last few chapters so yay. umm maisie is played by maia mitchell and um yeah thats about it tbh. oh I cracked my phone today too oops :) make sure you VOTE for my chapters, it means a lot and only takes a minute lots of love kaitlyn }

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