Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


Back at our apartment, I pondered the offer.

I would love to help out as much as I could, but what happens if something goes wrong? I feel like I would be capable to withstand the serums, but how can I know for sure?

 Defying the death serum gave a sort of confidence boost and made me feel stronger, especially now, when I’ve just risen from the dead.

Tobias had gone out to get some food and clothes for me, so I had some time to sort my jumbled thoughts. 

First of all I had to think of Tobias. Would he really want me to do this, something that could easily take my life, just as I’ve got it back? If I were in his position I wouldn’t want him to but then again, it is my decision. My parents probably wouldn’t be proud of how selfish I am being.

Helping out with serum testing would be a great thing to do, but it’s just whether I am ready or not.

Sighing I heard the door open and was greeted with a smiling Tobias.

“Why are you so happy?” I laughed.

He set the shopping bags down, and then walked over to me giving me a long, sweet kiss. 

“I saw Christina down at the shops and she said that Zeke and Shauna have planned a small get together at their apartment in a few days. It’s going to be any one from Chicago, but not many. They’re going back in time a bit and having a Dauntless theme, so wear black basically!” he smiles.

I grin, “That sounds great!”

He smiles at me then furrows his brows together and looks at me, eyes narrowed.

“What’s the matter Tris? Something’s bothering you isn’t it?” he questions.

I sigh, if anyone was going to notice, it would’ve been him. He knows me like the back of his hand. 

“I just don’t know how to react to this serum testing thing.” He grimaces and takes a seat next to me on the edge of the bed.

“Well I think you should do it.” I look at him in disbelief. I did not expect that reaction from him.

“I…” I don’t know how to reply so he clarifies his point.

“I’ve noticed that it’s quite hard, for people from outside the fence to get a good job here. Most of us are from Dauntless so we don’t have much training in certain job areas, like culinary jobs and doctors and things like that. We’ve all got jobs but it to us a while to get them. And I think it would be a good thing for you to be. You’d find out some knowledge, while helping people.” He concludes.

I nod slowly. He has a very valid point. I never got to pick my Dauntless job, so I have no idea what I would’ve picked. But putting my Divergence to use sounds like a good idea.

“Thank you, Tobias,” I kiss him lightly and he smiles.

“Any time. Oh and Christina wants you to meet her at the clothing shops in,” he looks at his watch, “about 2 minutes.”

I chuckle and stand up to grab my jacket and slip my shoes on. 

“Okay, I’ll see you soon then. I’ll probably be back quite late knowing Christina.” I roll my eyes.

“Okay, be careful and don’t let this decision bring you down. I love you Tris.” He kisses my forehead.

I nod, “I love you Tobias.” Hugging him briefly, I walk out the door.

Once I had found the shops and Christina, I quickly realise that we were shopping for dresses for Zeke and Shauna’s party.

“Okay, so Shauna told me that we have to come in quite formal attire. Oh and it has to be black!”

I laughed at her enthusiasm as she dragged me into our first shop.

After many dresses ranging from sweet to sexy, I still hadn’t found a dress I liked. Christina had found hers quickly; it had quite a low V-neck which showed her cleavage, it was tight and had hard-to-see black stripes. She looked stunning as usual.

I however, was showing some of my so-called ‘stiffness’ by rejecting any dresses that were too short, tight or low cut.

“Okay,” Christina sighed, “what about this one?”

I grabbed the dress not caring to look at it yet and slipped it on.

I looked in the mirror in the dressing room and grinned, I loved it. It had a skater skirt made of black fabric but with a strip of leather at the bottom. A gold zip lined the right side of the dress and leather patches were on both sides.

I stepped out and Christina gasped and clasped her hands together. 

“Ahhhh!” she squealed, “I love it! It’s perfect! Four will love it!”

I blushed at her comment, and then started to laugh and smile along with her.

After buying our dresses, we picked up some shoes and any make-up and accessories we needed.

I hugged her goodbye and then headed back home. Thinking about how the night of the party was going to be a lot of fun and will be a special time for me and Tobias.


Hi guys,

So sorry for not updating the last few days, I was on holiday! I know this chapter is boringgg and short but I will update again soooooooon.

Okay, so in the last chapter I said whoever guessed correctly will get a dedication and the person who gets the dedication is @izzygust ! 

Yayyy!! So she guessed pretty much correctly, but don’t go and check back at her comment bc I deleted it :) heehee!

There is a picture to the side of Christina and Tris’s dresses. Christina’s on the left and Tris’s on the right.

Omg so I saw Divergent like the day after it came out in the UK and it was pretty good. They did miss a lot out and some characters should’ve been better (not naming any names – Will and Eric) but I really enjoyed it. I started reading the first book again and asdfghjk Fourtris is just so cute, like I can’t.

But anyways, sorry this A/N is so long!

See you later lovelies :)

Kaitlyn ♡ 

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