Comfortable with you |3|

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Travis' POV

I scanned the halls for Sally as the bell for the end of the day rang. I spotted him and made my way over. The waves of people made it hard, but I got there.

I put my hand on his head and he looked up at me. I could tell he was smiling. God how does he do it, he's still smiling after earlier, after yesterday. I don't understand him.

"Heya Travis." Sal poked my cheek and I resisted the urge to smile.

"Come on, we don't have all day." I said, it sounded blunt, but I really meant it to be playful.

He grabbed my hand leading us through the crowd. I blushed, turning my head away and cursing myself for it. Don't think like, Travis. I promised Sal I'd stop using f**, so I'm trying.

We made it out and he let go. I didn't want to, but felt sad from the loss of warmth in my hand,

"So, where'd you wanna go?" He asked me, his blue eyes seeming to glow in the sunlight.

I looked away. "well, I don't usually go places, so it's up to you."

He shrugged and did a follow me motion, so I did. And we walked.

Larry's POV

Ash sat next to me, I was venting to her.

"So what you're saying is..." she talked slow trying to understand, "Sal, your crush, told you he liked you. So you told him...that you didn't feel that way?"

"Yes!" I said with a groan.

She smacked me upside the head. She mumbled 'idiot' and shook her head.

"So you didn't go check on him or walkie whatever him?"

I put my head in my hands. "no..."

She smacked me again, I rubbed the spot she repeatedly hit.

She didn't have to say anything. I was an idiot for passing up the chance to tell him and now Sal thinks I don't have feelings for him.

Wow, I royally fucked up. I have to find him and tell him, I wonder if he's home yet...

I said goodbye to Ash and headed home hoping to find Sal at his apartment.

But he wasn't there, or maybe he was and he knew it was me. Either way is logical...I trudged to the basement and into my bedroom, jumping onto my bed.

Sal's POV

I walk Travis home, waving to him and watching him walk inside. Then I head towards the apartments.

I didn't have my headphones cause I forgot them at home, so I was stuck with my thoughts.

I grew more and more anxious, thinking about my friendship with Larry. It was in tatters, how did I ruin it so fast?

Ugh, and I didn't even give him a chance to forgive me.

I'm so stupid. My hands were shaking when I came upon the apartments and for my anxiety, the sky was the limit.

I made it inside the elevator, but I couldn't breathe I felt trapped. I slid down the wall holding my knees to my chest, tears stung my eye. I felt the warm sensation down my cheeks under my prosthetic.

I was shaking uncontrollably. I heard a ding, but I couldn't move from that position. The elevator doors shut and the lift moved.

Great, now someone's gonna see me as this mess. There was a ding and then...I blacked out.

Larry's POV

I was going up to see Todd, but I saw Sal curled up crying and shaking. I quickly scooped him up into my arms, I took him into my apartment and into my room.

I laid him down on my bed, he was passed out but his tears were still flowing. I'm so sorry, Sal...

I unclipped his prosthetic, setting it down on my bedside table. Pulling a blanket over him.

I rubbed his cheek and kissed his forehead. "I'm sorry..."

I wanted to wait for him to wake up, so I pulled up a beanbag and plopped down into it, waiting.

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