Moonlight |8| 2/2

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Sal's POV

Me and Travis smile and talk, he has a really nice smile, and so far today they've all been genuine.

But I get a feeling of someone watching me, I glance over to my right. I see a blue-eyed beauty, she has dirty blonde hair the goes just below her shoulders. She wore a white sweater with a pink top and a knee length skirt.

I looked at her again, she was glaring daggers at me. She seemed like she would rip me apart if she were able to. I suddenly felt self-conscious tightening the straps of my Prosthetic.

Travis' POV

My smile faded as I watched my angel fidget and tighten his mask. He only does that when he's embarrassed or feeling put down. I pulled him into a hug, quickly whipping my head around to see who was giving him trouble.

And then I spot her. "fuckkkkkkkk.." I hiss quietly, she narrows her eyes at me and turns on her heal sharply, walking to class.

It was Cassie, she went to the other church nearby mine and both of our lives were practically planned out for us by our parents.

Since her dad was a close family friend and they wanted to join the two churches, he and my Dad preplanned our lives together. That we would date, get married, have a few kids and a dog, with a white picket fence.

They planned a cookie cutter life for me and her. I remember the first time I talked to her, our fathers set up a play date for us.

She made fun of me and called me names. Though I'm pretty sure she likes me, she hates seeing me with anyone else. Doesn't matter who...she's really possessive and lacks manners.

I let go of Sal, pushing him back. "Bye Sal." I sounded so sour. I didn't even look at him as I walked off, he didn't need to know her.

He doesn't need me, I'll only make his life worse. I'm pathetic, I can't even keep faith in one thing. I set aside god for him and now that he's saved me, I walk away from him.

Tears well at my eyes, they fall slowly down my cheeks. Look at you, Travis. Having a nice pity party for yourself, ugh. You don't deserve him, you deserve to rot in hell.

The voice sneered to me throughout the whole day. It blocked my thoughts, my reason, my hope...

Time skip— and POV change to 3rd person

The two boys stare at the moon, one at a window, the other on the roof. "I hope he's okay" the blue boy mumbled.

"God I feel so stupid, I need to apologize..." the blonde boy said, hitting his head with the side of his fist.

Hearts longed for each other, the boys longed for the others warmth, smell, smile. But there they sat, worlds apart, alone.

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