Disillusion |24|

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Warning!!!! There is a strong use of verbal abuse in this chapter, including homophobic slurs!!!!!!

Sal's POV

It was the next day, I haven't told anyone about my breakdown. I promised Travis I'd go to his church today and I also promised Larry I'd hang out with him.

We compromised and Larry said he'd go with me. I don't know what I should wear...hmm. Maybe a dress?

I pick out a very nice looking white and black dress. I hum a small tune as I try it on. I stare in the mirror and smile to myself. "Travy will like this one~" I mumble absentmindedly.

I start to think back to last night. I felt so...alone. I don't remember everything that happened, but I do remember the feelings. I remember the sensation of warmth when Neil hugged me.

He had explained later that Larry asked him to check on me since Lar couldn't and hadn't seen me for a while.

I frown and sigh. I hate having my friends see me like that. They always give me pity after, and I hate it! I hate those stupid, sympathetic smiles!

I had asked Neil to keep it a secret from Larry, and he complied. I didn't want Lar to worry any more than he already does.

I huff and pull myself back to the present, undressing from my pjs. Goodbye comfy clothes. I sigh softly and slip the dress on.

I do a small spin and giggle, tying the two belt-like ribbons around my waist into a cute Bow. I hum and sit at my vanity, trying to comb my hair out nicely.

After ten minutes of failed attempts, I groan loudly, giving up and letting my hair do what it wanted. I'm gonna get stares anyway.

I stare at myself in the mirror and adjust my dress a little, chewing on my lip. "I think this should be fine" I mumble to myself.

I pick up my prosthetic and strap the death trap to my face. I hate it, but it's kind of like a baby blanket to me. I feel so protected when I have it on.

Without it, I'm vulnerable...I'm defenseless, exposed. I hate that feeling. I realize I put up walls, this is one of my main ones too. It's better to keep people out, so if they do hurt you, it doesn't hurt as much.

I've only let a few people in. And the ones that I let in, there's still quite a few walls put up for them.

I sigh, thinking back to Larry and Travis' situation with each other. I hope they start to get along...I need them both...


I knock exactly three times on Larry's door. I remember I don't exactly have to knock, but I just haven't seen him in while. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the door opening and a tooth-gapped smile.

"Sal!" He hugs me tightly, almost squeezing me to death. "L-Larry." I hear a little noise of 'oh' and he loosens his grip on me.

I wrap my arms around him, giving him a small squeeze. "I've missed you." I hum quietly.

"I missed you too Sal..."

We stay in the hug for a few minutes until Larry breaks the comfortable silence. "Ready to go?"

My anxiety rises just thinking about going to the church, but I nod anyway. I'm doing this for Travis, it'll mean a lot to him.

Larry and I slowly move away from the hug and he steps out fully, closing the door behind him. This whole time I hadn't noticed, but Larry was actually dressed nice today, he had on a nice navy blue suit and he even pulled his hair back into a nice bun.

I hum a soft tune as we walk to the elevator, tapping my fingernails against my prosthetic. I can't help but get the feeling that something bad is going to ha-

"Sal? Are you okay?" Larry was standing in the elevator, holding the door for me. "O-Oh! Yeah, I'm fine." I quickly step into the lift and he presses the first floor. He gives me a look of suspicion but drops it.


We park the car and make our way to the front doors of the church. The church itself look just beautiful, the windowsills are decorated with flowers and the wood furnishing is just gorgeous. We finally make it through the doors.

I look in awe at the color tinted windows, that show a picture citing some religious story. "Wow...it's so pretty in here..." I say quietly.

"Isn't it?" I hear a deeper voice say to the side of me.

I look over and my heart stops for a second. A tall blonde, clean-cut man with a sweet smile stares down at me. He's wearing his black clergy shirt, he's...Travis' dad. Holy shit.

"How're you today ma'am?" He asks, his voice is soft, he's so deceptive. "I'm...actually a boy." I hum out before I actually thought about what I said. His expression hardens and I see a hint of a sneer. "Excuse me for my rudeness." He grumbles and moves along.

That was weird...

I brush off the odd experience, continuing down the aisle. I spot Travis and my frown melts into a smile. He looks so handsome...his uniform would look better on my bedroom floor though. I chuckle at the stupid joke.

His eyes meet mine and a smile creeps onto his face. He points to a pew, indicating I should sit there. I nod and take Larry's hand, leading him to the seat.

Travis' smile falters a little but ultimately stays genuine. God...I think I love this boy...

As everyone takes there seats, there's chatter for a few minutes and then the ringing of a small bell. The whole room goes silent, you could hear a pin drop.

A booming, sweet voice starts. "My sisters and brothers, there is someone here, I feel we should include in our opening prayer..."

I feel my heart drop as he walks over to me and holds his hand out, his sweet smile seems sinister.

God, why did I have to sit in the front row??!!

I reluctantly take his hand and stand up slowly. I glance at Travis and his face is just pure fear as I'm led up to the front.

"Brothers...Sisters, this is a disgrace of a child." My breathing hitches and I let my eyes rest on Larry, he's practically seething. "This...boy. Is wearing a dress. He's a f**."

There's an uproar of voices, I can hear them calling out names. 'Disgusting' 'Faggot' 'Freak' 'Unholy' 'Bender' 'Flamer' 'Daffodil' 'Fruit' 'Revolting'

I am pushed down on my knees, I look up at the horrible man. "My child, you can be saved."

The crowd is chanting, 'save him' now. "You must show yourself to god! Do not block him out!" I realize he's holding onto my prosthetic. "P-Please...n-no..." I squeak out.

He rips it off, tears stream down my face as my only comfort is literally ripped away from me. The crowd goes quiet.

I just shut my eyes tightly...I hear a few gasps and murmurs as someone steps in front of me. They're bent down, hiding my face from the crowd. I push my face into their back and start to sob quietly, wrapping my arms around them tightly.

Whoever this is...thank you...

1265 words
Cliffhanger ;^)

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