Judgement Day |31| (pt 1/2 of the end)

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Quick AN before you read this:

This has been one of my absolute favorite books to write, I'm so grateful I had the opportunity to write this, and I hope you guys enjoyed the book as much as I did.
Over the past few months, I've been focusing on my school work and myself, and I've been doing a pretty okay job, but I was letting myself fall out of the writing community. Anyways here's a big thank you to everyone who's followed with me through the rough times, or continues to read through each chapter I post.

Thank you, you've really made a huge impact on me. I love you guys.

Now! Enjoy one of the final chapters of this book!

3rd POV

Travis completely forgot about his growing anxiety about confronting his dad as he comforted Casey. Small sniffles and choked sobs filled the quiet air while they made their way up the concrete steps to the dimly white painted door.

It felt so easy now to walk up these stairs now that he walked with her, "Hey, everything's okay, just try and take a deep breath. We're gonna get you inside and we can sit down and I'll get you some hot tea, does that sound good, hun?" He asked softly. All Casey did in response was nod, holding onto the boy a little tighter as they made their way inside.

Travis sat her down on the light grey couch, "I'll go make you some tea..." he said as he moved to leave. She grabbed his hand and gently tugged on it,
"pl-ease stay..." her voice didn't have its usual sarcasm or snarky-ness to it, it was desperate and pleading. The blonde boy blinked and kneeled next to her, taking her other hand in his own. They sat there like that for a moment, and for that second everything seemed calm.

"Travis?" A low stern voice called out, in an instant Travis' hands started shaking. The very sound of his father's voice made all the anxiety come back to him, he remembered why he came home and he was afraid.

Everything seemed dizzy for a moment, "Y-Yes father?" he responded, he was disassociating every second he sat there, he didn't realize he had responded or even stood up to face the tall blonde man.

Kenneth glanced down at the crying girl and back up at Travis, "What happened here?" He asked, his expression hardening as he stood there, "Did you make her cry..?"

"N-No, no you misunder—" Casey tried to defend the blondie, but Kenneth cut her off, "No need to defend him, Casey, my dear," he said in a hum, his voice turning sour, "He knows better. I didn't raise you that way, Travis."

Travis was practically trembling as he tried to pull himself together. Casey reached out and comfortingly retook Travis' hand in her own. At the simple touch the blondie remembered why he was here...Sal, himself, his mom, his future, if he stood there and didn't tell off his father now, would he ever?

With a friend at his side, he swallowed the lump in his throat, "Actually, I didn't do anything wrong."

The words seemed to visually anger the man, "what...did you just say?" his voice was filled to the brim with rage. Maybe he was mad his son talked back to him, or that he couldn't hurt the poor boy with Casey here, but it was definitely 100% bonafide anger.

That's all he always was filled with, no matter the circumstances he could always find something wrong with the situation.

"Perhaps, Miss Casey, you should head home, I need to have some words with my son, they're quite personal and I'd hate for you to get caught up in this minor deviance."

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