Waiting can be Agonizing |27|

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 Sal's POV

"Damnit-" I cursed under my breath and flopped down on my bed. I've been waiting for Travis' phone call for days. Maybe I stepped too far across the line...maybe I just pushed him further away from me.

I hit the bottom of my palm against my forehead. Of course, he's not gonna call, you gave him a horrible ultimatum. His dad could hurt him so badly. Why the hell would you do that?!

I was pulled abruptly out of my thoughts by the stupid ringtone I set for my phone.

'lemon boy and I~' the ringtone starts.

I perk up and search through my pile of blankets and pillows to find the stupid machine.  I finally find it and run my eyes across the screen. I sigh softly seeing it wasn't him. Why would it be him..? I wouldn't be surprised if he wouldn't want anything to do with me anymore.

I wouldn't.

Travis' POV

I take a deep breath and stare at the phone in my hand. "you need to call him...you've been avoiding him for three days.  Knowing him it's probably getting him stuck in his own mind..."

I paused for a moment and pushed myself up out of my chair. "Fuck this...fuck calling him." I fixed my clothes and slipped my shoes on. "he deserves more than a call..."

I take my wallet from the nightstand and step out my door.

Sal's POV

I'm worthless. He deserves better than me. I put him in a horrible situation and so far I'm the only one who actually gives a shit about him...and I hurt him.

I'm supposed to love him and make him happy, but I left him out in an empty hallway.

"Fuck..." I hit my fist against my bed frame, wincing as I did.

That's what I need...a distraction.

I reach under my bed for a small shoebox tucked behind some bigger boxes. My fingers finally graze the smooth surface. I pull it out and set it on my bed as I stand up. "There you are..."

Travis' POV

"There you are..." I hum, as my eyes finally come across the flavor of ice cream I know is his favorite. Triple Chocolate fudge Ice cream. A small smile tugs at my lips as I look across the contents of the shelves.

I pick out a pack of Caprisuns and quite a few types of candies, sweet, sour, gummy, you know...the works.

I smile a bit more. I know that's probably something he would say, god even when he isn't here, he has such an effect on me. I can't stop thinking about him for even a second.

I grab one of those cheap stuffed animals from off the shelves. It's a very light pink Sloth, it's not big but not too small either.

I can't help think about how cute he would look to just hold this, god damn...

Sal's POV

I need this.

I click on the lighter and light the cigarette between my fingers. I inhale and pull the cancer stick away from my lips, letting the smoke waft from my lips.

I exhale and watch the gross looking smoke rise. "Mm...right..."

I stand up and shuffle over to my fan, flipping it on. "There we go..." I hum at the soft whirr of the fan fills the room.

It's a nice calming noise, it almost makes me wish I would just turn on the fan instead of using these death traps.

I sigh softly and place the butt of the cig in between my lips. I push my sweatpants down, stepping out of them.

I take the cigarette back into the crevice of my fingers as I step over to my bed, plopping down on it.

"This is gonna hurt like a bitch..."

Travis' POV

"Fuck...that hurt like a bitch-" I huff and rub my elbow. "Mmf..." I hate being such a klutz. I can't go anywhere without getting hurt.

I grip onto the bags of goodies I got for my Angel, knowing I look a bit odd carrying two bags full of just straight sugar.

I huff. But it's firstly the only store around that carries his favorite ice cream and second, the bus is the only way I can get to his house without getting in trouble. So I'll just have to deal with the odd glances and mumbling.

I sigh and tilt my head back against the seat. This is going to be a long bus ride...

Sal's POV

I bite my lip as I slowly press the cigarette to my thigh. I gasp and whimper in pain as it sizzles against my skin, burning. I grimace when I pull it away.

"Holy shit..." I mumble out. Tears sting at the corners of my eyes. "Ugh...the thoughts are coming back..." I take huff of the cigarette before once again pressing the stupid thing to my thigh, wincing as tears roll down my cheeks.

3rd person POV

Travis makes his way through the lobby of the apartments and into the elevator. He's so anxious as to what Sal might say. Travis just wants to give him as much love and support he can give the blueberry.

The elevator finally dings and opens, Travis stepped out and made his way to Sally's front door. He knocks three times exactly and waits patiently, hoping Sal is home.

Sal hears the knocks and frowns. "Oh, fuck me..." he mumbled and puts out the cigarette, putting it in the ashtray in the shoebox.

He stands and wobbles over to his dresser, pulling on a pair of shorts. As he's going to close the drawer his eye catches the sweater that Travis gave to Sal. A small sad smile hinted at his lips. "Mm...that boy has got me fucked up I swear..." he quickly grabbed it and pulled it on over his head.

He grabbed his prosthetic on his way out of the room, holding up to his face as he answered the door.

Travis smiled at the smol blue boy, a light blush dusting his cheeks at the sight of Sal in his sweater. "Hey, Angel...can we hang out..?"

Sal dropped his mask and almost jumped onto Travis', wrapping his arms around the church boy's neck. "God, I've missed you..." the blueberry mumbled out, pushing his face into Travis' neck.

Travis smiled widely, dropping the bags and hugging Sal tightly. "I've missed you too..." he said as he kissed Sal's head, his nose scrunching up on contact. He knew that smell...

"Hey, Sal...have you been smoking..?"


Also if you could, please send some love to MiaLaurePolee they're going through a rough time and I think they'd really appreciate it. Thank you~

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