Angel. |7|

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Sal's POV

I've been hanging out with Larry every day and texting him nonstop, I can't shake what he said to me.

I take my seat next to Larry and we talk, waiting for the rest of the group to file in and sit at our lunch table.

I frowned not seeing Travis, I saw him earlier. I wonder if he's avoiding me...I let Larry know I'll be right back.

I stand up adjusting my shirt as I walk out into the hallway and towards the boy's bathroom.

I creak the door open.

"Travis?" I ask softly. "you in here?"

I heard shuffling, so I stepped in and locked the door behind me. I felt really bad...I hadn't talked to Travis in at least a week.

I bit my lip sliding down the stall door that he was in. I could tell it was him, his purple sweater wasn't exactly easy to hide.

"Travis...I'm sorry, I haven't been a good friend towards you lately..."

"Ugh...whatever asshole."

I felt a pain in my chest. "I mean it." I said softly.

"Well if you actually fucking cared, you would've been a better friend" he shouted.

Tears stung the corners of my eyes. "I know." I managed to choke it out. But I didn't want to cry, he's trying to talk.

"I hate this!" He kicked the side of the stall, making it rattle. "my parents hate me and my only friend won't even hang out with me!"

Tears rolled down my cheeks, I turned to face the stall door. "that's not true and you know it!"

It was silence, I felt a bit hurt that he thought like that. Slowly the stall door opened and a pink puffy eyed Travis stared down at me.

"Sal...I'm sorry...I'm a complete douche." I hugged him tightly. "it's hard to be a friend...because for me anger is the only emotion that makes sense..."

He was sobbing, I rubbed circles into his back trying to calm him down. We sat there for a while, in each other's arms.

"Do you want to join me and Larry tomorrow?" I asked. "it's Halloween and I want us to go as a group."

Travis nodded, "it shouldn't be a problem with my dad, he sees it as a good opportunity to spread the word of Jesus to the kids." He chuckled dryly, pushing his face into my neck.

A blush formed on my cheeks as he did. I pulled away slowly, poking his nose "good, Meet us at the playground at 4."

He nodded and we hugged once more before we left the bathroom.

Travis' POV

Today was Halloween, it was a fun holiday, especially now that I have friends. I licked my dry lips, I was nervous to hang out with them. Or maybe I was excited? I couldn't tell.

I said goodbye to my mother and then walked towards the park. Since my Dad didn't allow me to wear any costumes that had anything that would contradict the church, I had to change in the park bathroom.

I stepped into a stall and changed into my Vampire Costume, I put in my fake fangs and adjusted my cape. I had a bag with my clothes in it that I stuffed behind the toilet, I would need to change before going back home.

Walked out of the bathroom and sat on the swing, waiting for Sal and Larry. The sun was setting and the colors danced about the sky, the purples and reds gave everything a beautiful tint.

And then I saw him, the last bit of sun shined on him as he walked towards me. He was costumed as an angel. He really could've been a real one. I blushed. I couldn't take my eyes off of him...

he seemed like a lighthouse in my shit storm of life, he's guiding me through the darkness. Even if he doesn't know it...he's a light in the darkness.

He's my Angel, he saved me.

Sorry for this, I know its way past Halloween and stuff, but it's apart of my plan. I'm sorry if my writing isn't great rn, writer's block hit for this story and I had something I wanted to convey with Travis, but I couldn't get the right words. This is more just a filler chapter so I'm sorry again!!

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