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Authors POV

Travis' heart was beating out of his chest, so much so that he thought he could hear it. He replayed the events that had last happened within the past hour, in his head.

He was at church, Sal and Larry were there today too. It was great to see the blueberry there, Travis hadn't been able to hang out with him recently.

His dad decided to be an asshole and scream at his boyfriend. Nobody messes with his boyfriend, his blueberry, his angel.

He tried to stop his dad, he really did. But he was held back by Cassie

"That Bitch," Travis grumbled to himself.

He was restrained by her. He wanted to call out to his father, but his crippling fear of losing his father's respect and angering him restrained his voice.

"Fuck!" Travis screamed as he kept up his running pace. He tried to chase after Larry's car, but he's not the flash so obviously the car won.

He panted heavily and slowed to a stop. He got a decent distance away from his church before he tired out.

He was still in his choir boy uniform so he looked a little odd. He pulled the choir robe off and threw it aside. He may look a little too fancy for a nice jog, but it'd have to do for now.

"Oh, Angel...I'm so sorry..." He huffed and panted. "I should've been stronger, I should've protected you..."

Travis went over what he was going to say to the smol blue boyo as he made his way to the apartments.


He chewed on his lip anxiously and knocked on Larry's door. Of course, he knew they'd be here instead of at Sal's house. This Sal's safe zone.

Travis didn't have to wait long before Larry answered the door.

"The fuck you want, Phelps?" The Brunette growled like a guard dog. The church boy was a bit startled as first but relaxed a little. "Please...let me talk to him."

Larry opened the door more and stepped out of the apartment, closing the door again gently. "You think I'm just gonna let you walk right in there? Fuck. You. You hurt him. You just stood and watched and now you're expecting me to let you-?!" Larry's scolding was interrupted by the door handle gently turning.

Sal's POV

Larry got up to answer the door and after a few minutes, I heard the door click closed.

"Mm...Larry..?" I moved to get up. My legs were a bit wobbly so I had a bit of trouble standing, let alone walking. But I managed to shuffle out of his room carefully, I heard Larry's muffled yet loud, booming voice through the walls.

Is he...talking to Travis..? Please let him be talking to that boy. I don't know why...but I really want to see Travis...please be Travis.

I go to open the door and peak my head out, as I do I see an over protective tree towering over a frightened bumblebee. "Oh...Hi, Travis."

Travis' face twisted a mix of regret and guilt and sadness. "Ang- Sal...I'm so sorry. I should've protected yo-" he was cut off by Larry. "Just go away, Phelps."

"Larry." I scolded. He looked down at me and scoffed. I gave him a look and nodded to the door. He rolled his eyes and shot Travis a glare before stepping inside.

As soon as the door closed, I flung my arms around Travis. I think I surprised him because he took a minute before hugging me back.

"Why...Why didn't you stand up for me..?" My voice came out as weak and shaky. It hurt to know you're boyfriend didn't help you, stand up for you, or come to the rescue. It hurt to know he possibly didn't care.

When he didn't answer, I looked up at him. Tears were dripping down his cheeks. "I-I'm sorry...I'm such a u-useless boyfriend..."

No no no. That's not what I wanted! I cupped his cheeks and gently wiped his tears with my thumbs. "Travis...don't say that." Him crying made me want to cry.

Damnit, Sal! Don't cry now, don't make this about you again...fuck.

"It's okay..." I cooed. His tears soon dried up. He hugged me tightly, pulling me into his chest. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine." It was not fine. He had me thinking about horrible things. Tell him!

"Actually...it's really not." His face churned into a hurt expression. "H-How can I fix this..?"

I sighed and pulled away from him. "Tell your dad the truth. I want to meet him, and your mom. Tell them you're gay. That you're with me. I want you to be proud to be with me...to want to scream it from the rooftops."

The once hurt expression turned cold. "Sal...you know I can't, you know what will happen. You can't force thi—"

"Those are my conditions. If things take a turn for the worse, I'll stand up for you, I'll protect you. Because I love and care about you."

He stayed silent. "Tell me if you're willing, and bring me with you."

He didn't speak, he just stared at me with cold eyes. "Text me when you're ready to act like an adult." And with that, I opened the door and left him in the hallway.

This is gonna be a nightmare.

I hope y'all are readyyyyy cause I'm not lol.

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