Crazy thoughts |4|

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Sal's POV

I slowly blinked my eyes open. Everything was a bit hazy, but I remember that smell. I'm in Larry's bed. I turn my head, Larry is staring at me.

I sit up, holding my head with one hand.

He didn't say anything, so I picked up my prosthetic and strapped it on, after pulling my pigtails out. I glanced at him and he turned his head.

"I'm sorry Larry," I said looking down.

I heard him move and felt his arms wrap around me. I hug him back leaning my face into his shoulder. "I shouldn't have told you." I mumble.

He stiffens and rubs my back. We sat like that for a few minutes. I pulled away from his embrace.

"I should probably go." I said and he smiled sadly.

I huffed and poked his nose, and his smile widened to a big goofy one.

"...there it is."

He looked away, blushing. I guess I said that last part out loud...oops.

—time skip—

I lock my door behind me and step into the kitchen to fill Gizmo's bowl, I smile as he puts his head against my side.

"Hey, Giz." He purrs as I pet him.

He leans his head into my hand and lets out a small

"I love you too bud." I stand up and head to my room flopping onto my bed. I listen to the springs creek, as I pull off my prosthetic.

What a day.

Travis' POV

I sit at the table with my back straight and head down. If I even slouch a little, my dad's gonna beat my ass, he's in a bad mood today.

As I eat quietly, trying not to make any loud sounds. I can't help but think of Sally and I start smiling.

"The fuck is so funny, Travis?!" My dad yells.

I look up alarmed and shake my head. "nothing sir, I promise."

He glares at me. "so now you talking back, son?" He's out of his chair now shadowing me.

"No, no I-" he backhanded me, I wince at the pain holding my cheek.

"Never talk back to me again."

"O-Okay sir." he grabs my collar holding me in the air.

"The fuck. Did. I. Just. Say?"

I nod, trying not to look him in the eye.

He throws me down and heads to his study.


I struggle to stand up, but I manage. I sigh, collecting and setting all the dishes at the sink, I hate this...

I hold my cheek, dragging myself to my room.

I close my door softly and lay down slowly. "Travis, what the hell?" I say softly. "you can't be gay, you'll go to hell." I push my face into a pillow.

I knew I was falling for that blueberry. I start to cry softly into my pillow,

"Travis...this is a know why??"

I mumbled to myself, stupid fucking f**...or I mean...sinner.

—time skip—

I walk into the school and a blue-haired boy hugs me tight, I blush and look away. God, I don't know what to do...

I push him off and he stares at me.

"Hey, Travis?"


"What happened to your cheek?"

He sounded concerned, I turned away as his soft hands touched my cheek.

"Nothing." I sneered quietly.

"Was it—" he was cut off by someone screaming.


We both stare at the guy, it was Larry. He picked up Sal and hugged him. I instantly felt a pit in my stomach.

What did Sal even see in that guy?

I frowned as Sal chuckled, and eventually, Larry put him down and noticed me.

"Oh...hi Travis." I could hear the sourness of his voice. I don't want to make this any worse than it is so I smiled at him.

"Hi, Larry."

Sal seemed happy and Larry was taken back by my smile and sweetness in my voice.

I just want to make him happy, no one else.

I could care less if Larry hates me or not.

I only care about Sal...

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