Flame in Your Heart |29|

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Some fluff before the great big hellfire!!

3rd person POV

The two boys sat on the floor of Sal's compete mess of a bedroom. The air of the room was scented with a slight hint of smoke since the fan wasn't on the whole room felt still. The light from outside was blocked by some fabric covered shutters and clothes were strewn about the floor along with some empty pop cans and candy wrappers.

Travis was sitting criss-cross on an empty part of the floor. Sal's head was in Travis' lap as he braided the blueberry's hair. "I love you a lot..." Travis said in a soft voice, "you've really got me wrapped around your finger," he joked with a soft laugh. Sal smiled brightly, reaching up and cupping his boyfriend's cheeks. "I know~ You're my protective blondie~" he hummed teasingly.

The blonde boy hummed at the affection, "and you're my Angel~" Sal rolled his eyes at the nickname like he always did. "That nickname is waaaay too cheesy!" he giggled, as he admired his blondie's face, "but it's okay because it suits how soft you are~"

Travis let out a soft huff, his cheeks puffing out a little. "You need to stop calling me soft, I'm a hardened criminal on the run!" he said in a teasing tone which caused sal to once again roll his eyes. "Mmf...whatever, you're my soft blonde idiot~" he hummed, sitting up and sliding his arms around his boyfriend's neck.

Sal just took in the sweet moment, "you make me really happy...you know that, right?" 

Travis' hazel eyes met Sal's blue ones, "of course...and you make me really happy too."





There was a small comfortable silence before the blonde boy spoke in a soft voice, "I wanna marry you someday...and grow old with you...and maybe we could have a kid." Sally was just overwhelmingly happy at the sweet words. The blueberry just let out a small sniff, reaching up to wipe his teary eyes, "you do..? really..?" Travis nodded confidently, "I mean it, I think you're the love of my life."

Sal couldn't help the big smile that crept onto his face,  "God...I love you so much!" he said with a small laugh and some sniffles. The blue-eyed boy gently pressed his lips against his boyfriend's as more tears rolled down his cheeks. Travis' eyes widened a little before he actually relaxed into the smooth, sweet kiss.

The kiss lingered, but unfortunately, Sal was the one to pull away, the cool air around them filling his lungs. Travis let out soft pants of hot breath, "Mmf...I love you too...so much~" Travis said with a small laugh, opening an eye to look at his beloved blueberry.

~wow, a transition~~wow, a transition~~wow, a transition~~wow, a transition~//timeskippp//

Sal's POV

Travis and I have been having a wonderful time since he's been over, he even brought a shitload of snacks for me! But...I can't help but worry about how his talk with his dad is gonna go. I don't want him to get hurt, but he also said he doesn't want to discuss it and that I won't be going with him.

It's such a stupid masculine idea to think you need to do something alone to be strong. I just want to help him, or at least be there to back him up, but nOOoOO he HAS to do it on his own terms. Mr.Phelps if you hurt my sweet blondie, I swear I'll punch you so far into the grave you'll pass hell.

I just hope it goes well...

Hello, Lovelies!! I'm sorry for my absence, but for some reason, my motivation has picked up as school came back! So here's the fluff I promised! I hope you enjoy and haven't given up on me yet!

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