Its a 'hangout' |5|

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Sal's POV

I'm practically stuck to Travis' side, I wanted to ask him if he could hang out after school. He's in a really good mood today, he even smiled at Larry!

But I can't help but feel this pit in my stomach, the bruise on his cheek...was it from his Dad?

Time skip—

The lunch bell rang and I headed to the cafeteria, Travis said he'd sit at my table today. I spotted him sitting there and slid into the spot next to him.

He looked at me.

"Hey, Sal."

"Hiya, Trav!"

The cafeteria soon was filled with students and my table, with my friends.

Todd and Ash, we're discussing some paranormal shit and Maple, Chug, and Larry we're rating scary movies.

I turned to Travis and poked his cheek. I made sure it wasn't the bruised one. He looked at me and tilted his head as he was taking a sip of his drink, it made me smile.

"Do you wanna hang out after school?" I asked.

He choked on his drink a bit, holding a napkin to his mouth. He coughed and I rubbed his back.


I nodded in response.

"If you don't want to, Trav, you can jus—"

"N-No! I do, I want to!" He said quickly, he was smiling now, it was a big stupid grin. It was cute.

"Good!" I said poking his nose.

Larry's POV

I couldn't help but watch as Sally acted sweet towards Travis. It left a bitter taste in my mouth. Travis is hiding something.

I frowned when Sal poked his nose, he does that to me...

I turned my attention away. I can't feel jealous, I told him I didn't even like him like that.

I sigh and put my face in my hands.

"Lar?" I feel a warmth around my torso.

I look down seeing Sal looking up at me worried.

"I'm okay." I say, patting his head and giving him a big smile.

He smiled back at me, I could tell.

I felt Travis' eyes burn into the side of my face, did Sal tell him? I glance up at Travis and he gives me another heartwarming smile.

He's definitely hiding something.

Time skip—

Before our last class period ended, Sal let me know that he wasn't walking home with me. I was hoping to chill with him, I've been really stressed out.

I sighed as the bell rang for school to be out and I dragged myself home.

Sal's POV

I rushed through the halls and eventually finding Travis. He smiled at me and suddenly turned away, the smile being wiped off his mouth.

That smile seemed happier than his other ones.

I interlocked our arms, leading him out the building.

"So where are we going?"

"Oh, you'll see." I smiled to myself, I was really excited. "I do have to grab something before we go out."

He nodded as we headed towards the apartments.

Time skip—

We walked into the apartments and I told him I'd be right back and to wait on the first floor. I ran to the elevators and pushed the button.

The elevator arrived and the doors opened, I saw Larry, leaning against the elevator wall on his phone.

I stepped onto the elevator and pushed the button for my floor. I kept glancing at Larry as we moved up.

It stopped on Todd's floor and Larry got out. He saw me for half a second and did a double take, but by the time he went to speak the doors had closed.

I felt bad for not saying hi to Larry, but I don't think he would've liked me hanging out with Travis.

After I got the bag of snacks I prepared for today, I head back downstairs to Travis, who is waiting uncomfortably.

"Let's go!" I said, poking his forehead.

He chuckles and refers to the bag with his head. "whatcha got there?"

"You'll have to see." I smile and grab his hand, leading him out of the building.

Time skip—

"Ughhhhh whys it so farrrrr??" Travis groans.

I punch his arm a bit.

"Oh, man up. It's been 10 minutes."

I smile seeing the opening, I push through the branches and bushes onto a secluded hill.

The hill is covered in grass and wildflowers, the yellows and reds and blues seem to dance in the sparkling sunlight.

I take in a breath and exhale taking in the fresh smell of the air.

Travis' POV

I'm dumbfounded when we walk onto the hill, it's beautiful. The colors match so well and the blue wildflowers compliment Sally's hair.

Sal spreads out a blanket across the grass and sits criss-cross, I do the same and he relaxes.

"Do you like it?" He asks almost in a whisper as if his voice could break the scene around us.

I nodded. "it's beautiful, Sal."

He pulled the bag into his lap and pulled out chips and sandwiches and sodas. He really did plan this.

Wait...this is a date, my hearts suddenly racing.

No, no, no, he doesn't even like you like that...does he?

I stared at Sal, and he caught me staring... so we ended up locking eyes.

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