Chapter8: Revolts

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POV Scorpius

I did not catch up with Albus on the stairs last night and in addition I fell and twisted my ankle. It went quickly, but I could not help but cry, rage and pain.

Why is he attacking me? It's not my fault ! It's only because I told him about it?

Or because I knew it before him? I would have preferred to see nothing, to know nothing.

Maybe I should have lied to him, or told him I did not know anything.

But if you have to lie all the time ...

I understand it, though. I understand that he is upset, because it's true that it was not easy to accept, as an idea.

Especially because we are so close, Albus and me. If our fathers sleep together, then it puts us in a weird, almost incestuous situation.

Like brothers who would live a forbidden love. But we are not brothers, even though we exchanged our blood.

And Albus is so naïve at times ... I think he'll need a little bit of time to take the shock off, but I hope he does not mind that.

When I imagine that he may continue to run away, my heart sinks.

We were so good, both of us, just before ... so happy.

All these days together, our discussions, our secrets, our kisses.

Every kiss I feel a little more connected to him, a little more in love.

A little more intoxicated by his green eyes, his soft skin, the smell of his neck ... every time I want a little more. Another kiss, another caress. Go further...

But he hesitates, is reluctant, I feel it. He does not want to go too far, for now. Our kisses, our furtive caresses are enough for him.

I think his mother scared him too much, warned him too much against this ... perversion.

So discovering that his father and mine ... it has plunged him into an abyss of perplexity, and perhaps shame, too.

Shame of what?

My parents never told me anything, warned against nothing, yet I come from a very classic family, even strict.

Or is the motto of my family, beyond the "never explain, never complain", is: "not seen, not taken"? It would look pretty like my father, I think. And as we hate scandals, here we prefer to act as if nothing happened.

Do not see anything to break anything.

So my parents can not judge me badly since they know nothing.

So my mother does not leave my father since she does not know anything.

Love or indifference?


This morning Albus is not in class at 8am. I'm worried: where did he run last night?

Was he so upset that he got sick, or did he leave?

I hardly listen to the class because of my worry. Already I barely slept.

Where is Albus?

At 9 o'clock it finally appears and I see immediately that something is wrong. He does not look at me, and he looks angry. Against me ?

In the next class he changes squarely and I want to cry.

Why am I paying for the bullshit of our parents? He had sworn to me yesterday, however, that he would not be angry if I told him the truth about our fathers.

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