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I wake up to mom shaking me gently, the light from the hallway seeping through.

"Myla, take your meds." She says. I sigh and sit up, taking the pills. I lay back down but she doesn't go to leave.

I look at the clock and it reads 1:50 AM. I can see the dark circles under her eyes that by now are permanent because of everything going on.

I move over on the bed and she lays down with me, holding me.

"I love you, baby girl. Go back to sleep." She says.

"When do they start court?" I ask, rolling over.

"They hand out papers today and it goes from there. Don't worry about that, Myla." She says, yawning. I give a nod and roll back over, trying to fall asleep.

At about eight Alex calls me.

"Hello?" I answer, still half asleep.

"I'm sorry for waking you up but I wanted to check on you. Did you take your meds?" He asks.

"Yes. Mom woke me up and gave them to me." I say, rolling over.

"Alright. I'm leaving for my appointment soon." He says. I hang up and sit up.

I get ready for school and go downstairs where mom is sitting at the kitchen island.

"What do you want to eat?" She asks when I sit down at the island, sitting the other pills in front of me.

"I'm not really hungry." I tell her. "Is Dad coming tomorrow?" I already know the answer.

My dad moved out two months ago, not being able to deal with this all. Said he needed space.

Mom just shrugs. She puts a glass of orange juice in front of me. I drink some and scroll through my phone. A text from Jess pops up.

Jess: I'm going back to school tomorrow.

Me: Great. I missed you. Are you sure you are ready?

Jess: I'm not sure. I want to die. Parents are hovering still 🙄

Me: Same. Mom slept with me this morning. She's afraid I'm going to do something.

Jess: So are mine. I still can't sleep in my own room.

Me: I understand.

I grab my bag from the chair and hug mom, grabbing my keys.

The car I drive was my sisters and it still reminds me of her. The picture of us is still inside.

I put the car in gear and drive to school.

The stares haven't gotten any better especially since I cut things off with Alex. I mean you have to be pretty fucked up to leave someone who was recovering from a suicide attempt, right?

Well I had my reasons. We are still friends but it's better this way.

Clay walks up to my locker and leans against the other one.

"How are you doing?" He asks. I shrug.

"I'm just getting sick of the stares. I need Justin here again so he can tell them to fuck off." I close the door and lean back next to him.

"I'm going to Monet's after school. Do you want to go?" He asks. I nod.

"They added a few drinks so I need to knock them out." I say, walking with Clay to first period.

We walk in and everyone stares at me. I try to ignore it.

"If you guys want something to stare at, do it to your phones like you used to do." Clay says, sitting next to me.

"I'm starting to understand why they decided to do it." I whisper to Clay. His face drops.

"Myla, don't talk like that. I need you here with me." He says. The bell rings and I try to pay attention but I can't. This happens all day.

Since Alex tried, I haven't been able to think about life the same way. I just want everything to stop hurting but I don't want to die.

I couldn't do that to my parents, the ones that wanted me when no one else did.

Clay and I drive over to Monet's and order our drinks. Mine is steaming and I drink it like it doesn't even hurt.

"How is everything going?" He asks. I shrug.

"My dad won't even come. He's gave up already. All mom and I want was justice for my sister." I tell him.

I silence my phone as Alex's name comes up from a phone call. Clay nods towards it. "What's going on there?"

"I don't know. I feel like I already have hurt him enough. Things just weren't going to work. He's not the same Alex and I feel like such a bitch but I don't wanna be with him. I just want to be alone right now." I tell him. Clay nods taking a drink of his coffee.

"I understand. It's not your fault." He says. I give a nod and finish off my coffee.

"I've gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow maybe." I stand and walk out to my car.

Her Last Breath~13 Reasons Why~Where stories live. Discover now