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My parents were high school sweethearts so shoot me. I still believe in romance.

You had pretty much stood me up on valentine's day but I decided to give you one more chance.

Stupid Hannah.

And then you finally showed up except you weren't alone.

And again you were funny, Marcus. And I thought maybe just maybe it would  be alright.

But then came the aftermath and I couldn't move. I couldn't get up to leave or scream. Anything would have been better than sitting there and thinking it was my fault. Thinking I'd be alone for the rest of my life.

I believed it.

Fun fact. I did some research on tombstones the other day. Or more specifically epitaphs on tombstones. The best one I could find was by this writer. Henry Charles.

On his tombstone he has engraved a picture of a boxer. And beneath the boxer two simple words: don't try.

I wonder what will be on mine.

The Walkman clicks and I slide the headphones off. Alex looks down at me and grabs my hand, giving it a tight squeeze. I sit up and rub my finger against his cheek then kiss it. He smiles and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

He sits up straighter when the front door opens and we can hear his dad come in. We walk down the stairs, still holding hands as his dad slides his boots off. "Alex, Myla, go have a seat in there." His dad points to what we refer to as his office. We walk in and sit down waiting on Issac to sit down.

"The school called and told me about the fight. Now I know fighting isn't exactly your strong suit, Alex, but you had a right to defend yourself and you stood up for those other kids. From what I heard you saved Myla too. The way that kid was going he could have killed or hurt a lot of people." He says cleaning the gun.

They continue to talk while I just sit there and look down at my hands as I remember what I had said in that room. I was so close to another panic attack and the only thing that kept me from having one was Alex.

We go back to his room and start up the Xbox, playing COD. He pounds the controller trying to kill the guy.

"Myla, kill the fucker! I'll cover you bitch." Alex says. I do so and laugh. "Now, is that any way to talk to your girlfriend?" I ask. Alex laughs pausing it and kissing me.

"Alright I better get you home before your mom loses it. I've earned a good spot with your mom. Don't want to lose it now." Alex says standing up.

We go out to his car and he takes me home. We sit in the car for a few minutes until I decide to go in. Mom smiles when I come in and hugs me.

"How's Alex? The school called." Mom says. I take my bag off my shoulder and pull my hair out from my jacket.

"He's fine. That shithead got him pretty good though. He saved my life, Mom." I say. Mom gives a slight smile and hugs me again.

"Tony is coming over for dinner tonight. So be down here about seven." Mom says. I give a nod and go upstairs, falling back onto my bed. My phone starts to ring from a FaceTime call with Alex.

FaceTime with Alex❤️😘
|Decline|        |Accept|

I hit accept and Alex's face comes up with him laying down on his bed it looks like. "Hey, Angel." He calls me the nickname that he knows I love.

"Hey, baby." I say, smile across my face. "What are you doing?" I ask rolling onto my side. He slips one arm behind his head. "Just laying here. COD went to hell."

"Same with Netflix. I planned on watching Riverdale again but yeah." I say, pulling the pillow under my head more. He smiles.

I can hear the door downstairs open but pay no attention. Me and Alex continue to talk until Tony throws the door open and I scream.

"Myla?! Myla?!" He asks when I drop the phone. I hit Tony's shoulder and pick the phone up. "I'm fine. Tony just almost fucking killed me. Give me a heart attack, asshole." I say sitting up.

"Alright I'm gonna go. Gotta get ready for dinner. Love you." I say. Alex smiles and waves then we hang up and I go downstairs. 

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