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The thing I love about running is that you can run for hours and just lose yourself in thoughts but sometimes that can be dangerous because I don't even see the car coming until it almost hits me and I'm forced to jump over into the ditch.

I go to flip the driver off until I realize it's Bryce Walker. He rolls down the window and smiles at me. "Hey, Myla. Want a ride? We're all going over to my place and drinking and getting stoned if you want to join." I give it a thought then nod. He tells me to get in the front and I do, sliding my seatbelt in.

I rest my head back against the headrest and try to catch my breath. I don't even know how long I've been running for but I can barely breathe I'm so out of breath. Bryce hands me a bottle of water and I down most of it.

He pulls into his driveway and I get out, going out to the pool house where Jessica, Montgomery, and Zach are. "Aye! It's Baker!" Jessica says, coming over and throwing her arm around my shoulders.

Bryce hands me the bong and a lighter. I light it and take a drag, relaxing and letting the weed take effect. I do this a few times until I can barely think and I feel my senses clouding up.

Soon enough, I can barely function and I bet the beer didn't help much either. But who needs logic, right?

Like for example, if I hadn't been like this I probably would have faught Bryce more than I am.

I'd say Jessica is about as drunk and stoned as I am. So that's probably why she's letting Montgomery touch her.

Bryce finally grabs my butt and I try to push his hands away. He doesn't let go and I swing my leg back but it barely hits him.

Bryce lets go and I fall to the ground with a thud. Right on cue, Justin walks in and looks at us. He helps me sit up then goes over and grabs Jessica's wrists, pulling her away from Montgomery.

"What the hell, Jessica?!" Justin yells. Montgomery backs away. I stand up and look at them. Jessica just shrugs and laughs. Justin grabs her arm.

"Come on!" I flinch at the shouting. Justin comes over and grabs my arm too. He jerks me outside quickly where it is now dark outside. My head spins a minute and I almost crash back to the ground.

"We're leaving. I don't want either of you hanging out here ever again." Jessica jerks her arm free and Justin lets go of me for a second when she shoves against his chest.

"Don't touch me like that!"

"Justy, calm down."

"What the hell is your problem, Justin?!" Jessica shouts.

"What are you doing here? What are you doing here with him? Why the hell are you here with Bryce?"

"We're just having fun. Why do you care? Tell me why you care!"

"Because he fucking raped you!"

Everything goes quiet and my heart drops.

Justin then lunges at Bryce and it takes both Montgomery and Zach to hold him back as he screams at him. I go over to Jessica and hug her while she starts to cry, tears rolling silently down her cheeks.

"She wasn't lying." Jess whispers, tightening her grip around me. I hug Jess tighter and let her cry, her knees eventually giving beneath her and she falls to the ground.

"Do you want me to see if Alex will take you home?" I ask, stroking her hair. Jess nods. I pull my phone out and text Alex. It doesn't take him but a few minutes to get over here. Jess gets in the backseat and I get in beside her.

She doesn't want me to go home with her but I will be texting her a lot tonight that's for sure.

We drop Jess off and I get in the front with Alex. He's silent for a minute then he talks. "Do you think she'll be alright?" I think for a minute then shake my head.

"No. You're never alright again after something like that. It takes a long time to get better after that. We just need to keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't do anything." I say. I'm speaking through true experience here and I think Alex caught onto that based on the expression on his face.

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