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Alex sits up from the back seat when I open the door to the car. His face is already starting to bruise and his nose is swollen. I grab his hand and pull him up as we walk up to the house. Unlocking the door, we go inside and Alex lays back down on the couch. I get an ice pack and gently put it on his face.

He moves it over to the side so he can see me and smirks. "On a scale of one to ten, how mad are you?" He asks, sitting up as I slip my jacket off. I turn back around and look at him, leaning against the wall. "Do you really want the answer to that? Alex, you started a fight then got your face beat in." I shake my head and walk into the kitchen.

I can hear him trying to get up from the couch and I shake my head again. "Alex, sit that ass of yours back down before you get beat up for the second time today." I shout, reaching into the cabinet for two glasses. I fill both with pop then walk back into the living room and put them both on the coffee table.

"But you're my boyfriend so I can't stay mad at you." Alex is standing up now and he grabs my waist and pulls me in to kiss him. I let him but pull back when he winces as our lips meet. I gently rub my finger against his upper lip to look at the cut left by Montgomery.

  We go up to his room and Alex turns on his Xbox while I sit down and listen to the rest of my current tape.

I always kind of liked Marcus. You always seemed like a good guy. Then again, they almost always do.

Marcus Cole, welcome to your tape.

What was it?

Did you want to see if the rumors were true? Or did you just want to start some new ones of your own?

And I just keep thinking, maybe if someone had had me on a list then maybe it could have all been different.

Alex taps my shoulder and I press pause, taking the headphones off. "We need to go for that stupid honor board meeting."

"This emergency meeting of the honor board is called to order. Marcus Cole, presiding. Courtney Crimson recording secretary.  All members present. Petitioners state your names." Marcus says as he comes and sits down. I look at Alex from across the room and just nod to reassure him. He is nervous as fuck.

"So, Montgomery, this case is pretty straightforward. You were the one driving." Marcus says. Montgomery looks up. "So?"

"So the pedestrian has the right of way. That is the law. So you and Myla Watters-" Alex cuts him off as I was getting ready to. "Baker. Myla Baker." He nods towards me in the corner watching. "Right. Baker, sorry."

"You're the one who acted like a fucking psycho." Montgomery says. I go to take a step forward but Alex just shakes his head and I sigh, staying put. "And you were reckless driving. You could have hurt somebody. It is our job to protect the students of this school." Marcus says.

like you protected my sister? Because you guys sure did a hell of a job doing that.

Alex starts to argue with everyone and goes to leave but I go over and put him back in his seat. "Maybe if people at this school didn't treat others like absolute and utter-excuse my language-shit the honor board wouldn't have to deal with things like this. Maybe if you smack down on the popular people like you do the nobody's this school wouldn't be this bad and maybe people wouldn't be driven to commit suicide! Any of you ever think of that? Probably not because people don't get hurt by little things, right? Wrong." My hands are balled up into fists and I'm trying really hard to not just punch Courtney and Marcus right now.

Alex grabs my shoulders and holds them tightly so that I don't lose it. "Maybe, just maybe if you paid any attention to the nonpolar kids at this school it wouldn't be this bad."  I go back and sit down in the corner and they continue. Montgomery gets suspended and Alex is left off with a warning which he somehow is not too happy about.

"Alex! Alex stop!"  I shout, running over. I grab his arm and spin him around. "You are losing your shit, Alex! I don't know what has gotten into you but it needs to fucking stop!" I scream as he paces and runs his hands through his hair. I sigh and walk over to the car.

"Get in. You're going home." I tell Alex and he gets in.

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