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Boys are assholes.

Some are assholes all of the time. Some are assholes some of the time.

That's just how boys are.

Well, maybe not all boys.

Mostly, boys are assholes. But girls, girls can be evil.

I don't even realize I'm awake and screaming until I feel mom hugging me. I try to push the image out of my head but I can't. I just keep seeing her there. Dead. blood pooling out from her wrists and going around her body.

She died.

"Myla, calm down. Just breathe. Do you want me to call Alex?" Mom asks. I nod, trying to stop my hands from shaking more. Soon later harsh pounding sounds on the door and I hear Alex's voice then he comes up.

He comes over and hugs me. Mom leaves and closes the door. "Same dream?" He asks. I nod, wiping tears from my face. "Yeah. I just freaked out again. God I fucking hate this." I say, falling back onto the bed.

"This only happens when you drink which mind you either way you aren't supposed to do. I shouldn't have let you drink that 40." Alex says, laying down next to me. I reach over to my desk for the Walkman and Alex just looks at me and nods. I slide the headphones on and press play.

Courtney Crimson. Such a pretty name for an even prettier girl. With her perfect family. With coffee together every morning. And you're also very nice, Courtney.

You're one of the most popular girls in school. And you are just so nice, right? Wrong..

I hoped we could be friends, Courtney.

While some of you might not remember it, yes the Courtney Crimson skipped class with me so many times when Myla was home and I had to go check on her. Courtney, you knew how to deal with it more than I did.

I needed a friend. I think you did too.

But you had some secrets you wanted to keep. Even from yourself.

For days after Tyler's picture went around, I tries to catch your eye. You ignored me for weeks. But I decided enough was enough. I wanted to talk to you.

I mean we were in this together, weren't we?

But friends don't do that to each other, Courtney.

All I really remember from Hannah and Courtney going to the formal is that she wanted a limo. Dad traded in the car for her a new car and she was so happy.

Alex nudges my shoulder and I press pause. "I'm going to go home. School later. I'll come get you after school and we can go to Monet's." Alex gets up and leaves and I put the tapes up, going back to sleep.


When I wake up the first thing I do is go downstairs and get coffee. I look at the clock and see its 1:45. I forget the coffee and go to get dressed. I put on sweatpants and a sweatshirt then put my hair up into a messy bun then grab my penny board and skate down to Monet's.

I tell Alex I'll meet him there then I order a mocha. About twenty minutes later Alex gets there and comes up. He takes my hand from across the table and gives it a tight squeeze. "You feeling better?" He asks. I nod.

I look over as his phone buzzes. "Good. School sucked without you. Justin asked where you were at." He says, taking a drink from his coffee. I give a slight smile. His phone starts to buzz again.

"Go. Answer it." I say. he smiles and stands up, walking down to the lower floor to talk. He comes back a few minutes later with a hard look on his face. "I have to go soon. We still on for dinner at my place tonight?" I nod.

He leaves soon after and I penny board my way home. The main road is closed so I have to take the old country road. It's nearly dark now and its starting to get creepy as crap. There's a car following me. I dip my phone from my pocket, calling Alex but I don't stop riding.


"Alex, I'm kind of freaking out. There's someone following me. they've been following me for like ten minutes."

"Where are you at?"

"Down the old country road. They're almost right on me now."

"Ok. Calm down, My. It'll be- Myla, look out!" He shouts. I turn my head slightly just in time to see the car pulling around and cut me off. I fall into the ditch and wince but try to keep quiet as a piece of glass goes into my arm. I try to stay hidden behind the tall grass.

Three car doors open and I hear Alex's voice. "Dude what the hell?! You could have killed her!" I peak through and see Justin and Zach with him.

"Well she should have stopped. Go find her before she's gone." He says. I move farther back as Zach and Alex come over to the ditch. They look through and Alex is the first to find me. He grabs my waist and pulls me up onto the concrete. He sees the glass in my arm and doesn't even give any warning. He rips it out and I scream. Blood gushes from the wound.

Thanks a lot anemia.

"Holy shit. That's a lot of blood." Zach says as I stand up, holding onto my arm. "Yeah it's called anemia asshole." Alex puts me in the passenger seat and presses paper towels against my arm then takes a zip tie and ties it around my arm.

Alex is told to get in the driver seat and he does. "Do what we told you to do." Justin says from the back. Alex sighs, turning off the headlights and slamming his foot on the gas. We all jerk forward and my head hits the dash. He starts to slow down but Justin leans forward and he goes faster again.

"You can't talk to anyone, Myla. You talk and your life is going to get a hell of a lot shittier than it already is." Justin says. He grabs my face. "You talk and you'd rather find your sister in that bathtub again than what will happen if you talk. Understand?" He asks. I nod, holding back tears as I watch the numbers go by.

70, 80, 90, 100, 110.

"Ease up, man." Justin says, sitting back. He doesn't react. I press my body back into the seat. He reaches over and puts his hand on my thigh, like he always does to try and calm me down.  Blue and red lights flash behind us and he still doesn't slow down.

He only slows down when I cry out. "Alex! Slow down! Please, Alex!"

He pulls over and once I see the cop I try not to smile. "You boys and young lady want to tell me why you're going ninety in a forty?" The cop asks. "We were just out for a ride." Alex says calmly.

"Yeah well you know I could bust you for reckless driving. You know how much that would be? Five hundred dollars and three points on your license. You want that?" He asks. Alex shakes his head. "No, sir."

The cop looks over at me and smiles. "I suggest you drop these boys off and get you and Myla's ass's home in time for dinner." Zach and Justin look at each other and I just smile at them from the front.

"You got yourself cut up again, Myla. When I get back I'll clean you up. You fall off that board more times in a week than I give tickets in a month. I swear if your parents don't let you drive soon I'm going to be buying you a bike and having you ride that. Make sure you're less accident prone." His dad says and I smile. "Yes, sir." His Dad gets back in the car and drives off.

"Now want to try to fuck with her again?"

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