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I take deep breaths as I run down the street. I breathe in through my nose then out my mouth as I try to keep my breaths paced. Less than a quarter mile until I'm home. I can do this. I pick up my pace and sprint the rest of the way home.

I run up the stairs and open the door to the house. I slip my shoes off and head to the kitchen for something to drink, pouring myself a glass of water and down it within a few seconds.

The house is completely silent and I know Hannah is here. She was here when I left. I walk up the stairs and go to her bedroom door and open it. s

Silent. Empty.

"Hey, Hannah! I'm home. Where are you?" I shout, walking toward the other end of the house. I check every single room until I come to the bathroom where there is red water coming from under the door. I jerk the door open and that's when I see it.

Or more specifically I see her.

She's in the bathtub that has overflowed with the red water leaking onto the floor. Her eyes are still open but her skin is pale. She's barely breathing now.

"I'm sorry... I love you." Her voice is weak.

"No, Hannah. Why? No you're going to be fine. Why'd you do this?" I wrap a towel around her arm. She shakes her head.

"You'll find out soon...." I watch as the last breath leaves my sister's body.

She's dead.

"H- Hannah?" I don't even feel the words leave my mouth. She doesn't move when I say her name.

I wish she would pop up and be fine but I know that's not going to happen because of one thing.

She's dead.

While I was out running this is what my sister was doing. She slit her wrists and bled to death.

She died.

I fall back and reach for my phone, and try to call 911.

"911, what is your emergency?" I see the cuts down her arm and I start to feel sick. I try to hold back the tears but I just can't.

"I- I need an ambulance. My sister killed herself and... and she's dead."

I give them my address and soon after I can hear the sirens. When they arrive, I move back against the wall with my knees pulled up to my chest and just cry my eyes out. Mom and Dad get here and they have to physically pull me up from the floor.

I sit on the couch and look at my soaked clothes. Her blood is a light red and runs down my arms. I try to hold the vomit down but I end up having to run to the trashcan and empty my stomach.

Tony comes in as soon as I start to vomit and holds my hair back. I sit back against him and he rubs my shoulder. I glance up as he hands me a paper towel and I wipe the vomit from my face. I stand up and walk back into the living room as they wheel her away in a black body bag.

Tony holds his arm around my shoulders as my shoulders start to shake from my crying. I look over at Mom who sits on the couch beside Dad. She's a complete wreck. She has makeup down her face and her eyes are all red and puffy.

I walk over and sit beside Mom who hugs me and cries while Dad talks to a cop. He runs his hands through his hair live he's nervous or about to breakdown.

Mom turns to me and kisses the top of my head and says, "Did you know?" I shake my head because I didn't know.

Nobody did.

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