4 | pretty partizan

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Jamie had woken in a groggy state. He groaned. The world swam in hazy swirls of white and black, different from his usual grey room, with yellow sunlight streaming through the windows-

Suddenly he was alert. He was strapped to a wooden chair, in a dark room. The only source was the lamp above him.

Where's Lottie? She's in trouble-

He scowled. Yes, Lottie was important, but his main concern should've been Ellie, and should always be.

He finally noticed two dimly lit shadows lurking at the edge of the light span. He growled, pulling at his binds.

A purr rang through the air. Jamie tensed, the sound familiar.


She and Julius were a memory he wanted to forget, and yet, a memory still so livid in his mind, as if it were yesterday.

The second shadow was a tall figure, slender yet powerful. From the tension in their shoulders, Jamie could only guess that they were a man, his estimate proven correct.

"Jamie, is it?"

Jamie growled. The man had a thick French accent. It sounded familiar, he had heard it before, but his brain couldn't work. Still hazy from his slumber, he narrowed his eyes at the shadows.

"You surely remember what we want, don't you?" Ingrid snarled. Jamie could only bare his teeth in response. He didn't want to give away any impressions.

"Hamlin Formula. It does ring a bell, doesn't it?" It wasn't a question.

Ingrid came into the light. She was exactly as he remembered. The same mischievous, scheming glint in her eyes. However, she seemed tired, light bruising showing underneath her eyes. She leaned forward and gazed into his eyes. He glared back, not wanting to give her the satisfaction.

She smirked, leaning back. She slowly circled around him, tracing a light finger on his jawline. He clenched his teeth, tensing at her delicate touch. A low rumble came from her chest.

She's toying you.

"Ingrid." The man warned. Ingrid sighed in disappointment, appearing in front of Jamie. She smirked, rolling up her sleeve.

The two eyes of the Leviathan mark glared at him, and all he could see was red.

He became dizzy as Ingrid leaned in, tilting his head up.

Lift your arm.

Jamie became completely relaxed, his body swaying slightly, enticed in the trance of the Hamelin Formula. He lifted his right arm, holding it there.

Ingrid blinked. Her mouth slowly formed a cynical, sadistic smile. Her teeth bared like a serpent's fangs.

"Your pretty Partizan will be after you, Princess..."


Lottie woke in a cold sweat, shivering from her terrifying dream of Ellie being killed by a black wolf with intense brown eyes. She groaned, the warm sun hitting her eyes. She got out of bed, grateful for the Persian rug under her feet.

She silently dressed for the day, careful not to wake Ellie. On her way to the bathroom, she glanced at her desk. The letter was resting on top of her books. She cringed. Then a Polaroid caught her attention.

Hanging by a peg on a piece of twine was a picture she had taken over the summer.

Lottie, Ellie and Jamie were all posed, Hanna had offered to take the picture for them.

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