5 | vigilant

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Jamie had been trapped for a week now, and was getting nowhere with an escape plan.

He was stuck in a white room, with a metal door. He had a lumpy mattress, and a table to eat at. Each day, he timed the guard coming in to give him food, or when an assassin came to question him.

He heard whispers outside his room, and scrambled up into a stance.

A bulky man with a scarred face entered, placing a tray of food on the floor. Jamie glared at him. He snorted in response, slamming the door on his way out. The click of the lock was loud, assuring him he couldn't get out.

Jamie walked over to the tray. In a bowl was lumpy grey porridge, next to it a hunk of stale bread. With a glass of murky water. He crinkled his nose, but he knew he had to eat whatever he got. He took it over to the table.

He lifted a spoonful of the porridge, and sniffed it. Apart from the oaty smell, he couldn't detect anything wrong. He put it in his mouth. It would have to do.

He finished his meal quickly, the door opening once more as he chewed his last bite. A young lady walked in, slamming the door behind her. She had blonde hair, looking remarkably like Lottie. She had the same glittery blue eyes, determined and delicate, complete with rosy cheeks.

She was an older version of Lottie.

"Jamie Volk. I assume you know what we want?" She asked. Her voice was soft, and Jamie almost mistook her for Lottie. He remained stoic, cold.

Stay vigilant.

"Well, thanks to you, we've got the formula. It works!" The woman smiled sweetly. A strong pain pierced his heart. The resemblance was too strong. He missed Lottie... and this woman was definitely not Lottie.

"We'll start using it to control the next generation. Starting with you." She maintained her sugary smile.

"Of course, while we keep you here, you won't be able to get out or see your beloved princess," she paused, "but I have a deal to offer you." 

Jamie looked over her. Her face was serious, her blue eyes holding something behind them...

"Our Master has had his eye on you, Jamie Volk. You and your princess have proven to be... quite tricky. But we've seen your capabilities. And we want you to join us."

Jamie made sure to cover his shock. He glared at her, waving her off. 

She chuckled in response. "You've got all day to decide, Jamie. Anyways, I best be off. Toodles!" With that, she closed the door.

Jamie groaned and rested his head in his hands. How was he going to get out? He couldn't risk Ellie! He couldn't join them! How was he going to confess-

He gave out a long suffering sigh. Lottie floated to his mind again. Her bouncy curls, straying from it's ponytail, her determined and positive personality, always wanting to see the good in everyone.

Lottie. She knew what torment he put himself through. Only she could understand...

He let out a grunt of frustration and flopped onto his back. He should only be thinking of a way out of there. He should only be thinking of Ellie. Ellie came first on top of everything.

Even Lottie.

Lottie, so oblivious, yet she was vigilant, going above and beyond what she was expected. One of the hardest working students he knew...

Stay vigilant.

Stay vigilant.

Stay vigilant.

Jamie repeated the words until he couldn't fight the sleep attacking his senses anymore.


Back in Ivy dorm, Lottie was looking back at the Polaroid. She smiled sadly back at Jamie. She missed him. It was the 15th day since his disappearance. She turned from her desk. Ellie was sitting of the Persian rug, completing her homework.

Lottie walked over to Ellie's bed, picking up the framed photo of her and Jamie. Ellie was wearing her beat-up leather jacket, Jamie wearing a simple white shirt and black jacket, an irritated look on his face.

Lottie ran her fingers on Jamie's face. She remembered his stoic mask. She remembered when he would glare at her for not telling him something. She remembered his fury during training, when he accused her of being distracted.

She remembered the fun the three of them had. She remembered her glee and relief when he complimented her.

She remembered the guitar, the ballroom, the piano.

She remembered his haunting voice as he sung, beautiful yet powerful.

She remembered his comforting hand on her back as they awkwardly waltzed at the Summer Ball.

She remembered his fingers gliding elegantly over the white piano, his face showing the vulnerable teenage boy he thought he killed years ago.

She remembered everything about him. The brown, intense eyes. His lips when he smiled. His floppy hair, untamed and wild.

You're just a kid.

I can't bare to see it taken away from you.

She didn't realise she was crying until she felt an arm wrap around her shoulders. Lottie leaned into Ellie, sobbing hard. Ellie held her against her chest.

"We'll find him. He's out there somewhere. He's safe." Ellie whispered. Tears welled out of her eyes. She pulled Lottie in close, Lottie wrapping her arms around Ellie's waist.

The two stayed like that for a long time. Lottie sniffed quietly, nose almost as red as her cheeks. They finally pulled away.

"You should go back to your homework," Lottie croaked, "I'll be fine."

Ellie laughed humourlessly. "You always say that," her voice was melancholic.

You always say that.

Lottie sighed, wiping her eyes. She got up, and walked to her desk. She looked back at Jamie one last time, before turning back to her homework.

Ellie's eyes lingered on her friend for a moment longer. She knew that she missed Jamie; she did too. 

But it seemed to her that Lottie liked Jamie in something more than a professional relationship.

Ellie sighed. She had been so hopeful. Even after kissing Lottie, she knew that she would never like her back.

Not more than a best friend. Sister perhaps, but nothing more.

There was nothing between them.

She stared at Lottie, her artsy nest friend, and secret crush.

Flopping to the floor, Ellie grunted before returning to her work. 

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