8 | phase three

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The clash of steel blades rang out in the Conch Gym. 

Ellie was in her fencing elective, sweating profusely in her suit. She let out a cry of frustration, before making another attack. Anastacia swiftly blocked each move with precision, nearly on the edge of the mat. 

"Remember the steps. Keep counting!" Dame Bolter yelled. Ellie gritted her teeth. Slash after slash, she kept going at Anastacia, releasing her fury. After a few moments of intense competition, the two girls stopped, panting. 

Ellie snatched her helmet off, tossing it. She threw her sword away, taking furious gulps from her drink bottle. 

"What's wrong?" a voice with a French accent interrupted her thoughts. Ellie glared at Anastacia. 

"Nothing. Just peachy." she lied through gritted teeth. Anastacia took off her helmet, shaking her locks out. "You were messy. Tell me."

"It's nothing." Ellie grunted. Cocking an eyebrow, Anastacia eyed her partner for a moment, before taking a drink of water. 

That morning, she and Lottie recieved another letter. 

Ellie woke up to a cup of water poured onto her head. She shot up like a gun, choking on water. Her eyes darted around, before focussing on Lottie. 

She heaved a sigh of relief, before she frowned, annoyed. "Lottie, why'd you wake me up? Its-" she looked at her alarm clock, "- five in the morning." Lottie rolled her eyes, before shoving an envelope into Ellie's hand. 

It was a cream envelope, with the same paw print wax seal as the last. She gritted her teeth. Leviathan. 

She handed it back to Lottie, before pushing past her to the bathroom. 

As Ellie stripped her wet pyjamas off, she heard the envelope being opened. Lottie gasped. 

"What is it?" Ellie called. 

"Dear Princess," Lottie read, "I hope you're alright. Not. It's Jamie here. I've joined the Leviathan. There's no turning back. Only forwards now. Speaking of which, they know your secrets. They know your weakness. And I hear the Fall Dance at school is coming up. Save a song for me, will you? Raised By Wolves by Falling in Reverse is my theme song. Love, Jamie."

Ellie froze. She quickly put on new pyjamas, rushing out of the bathroom. Grabbing the letter from Lottie, she ran her eyes over the content, muttering words. 

Ellie locked eyes with Lottie. "It's not Jamie." she deadpanned. 

"What?" Lottie gasped, "Who else would it be?"

Ellie gulped. "It's definetly not Jamie. He's would be formal if he wrote this. This is too..." Ellie grasped around for the right word. 

"Joking?" Lottie offered. Ellie nodded, eyes drifting down to the final sentence. Raised By Wolves....

"Jamie knows I love this song... and it's not his themes song, it's mine." Ellie mused, reminiscing. Lottie shook her head. 

"It has to be a hint! Ellie do you remember the lyrics?" Ellie scoffed. 

"Or course, Little Princess. But I'm tired, we should go back to bed." Lottie stiffled a yawn as Ellie slipped back into bed. Ellie planted her head on her pillow, grimacing at the squelch of the wet pillow. Lottie giggled. Ellie rolled her eyes. 

Ellie gritted her teeth. When she had woken again, she has a crashing head ache, making her irritable and snappy. 

Now Anastacia was getting on her nerves. 

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