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Ellie sighed as she watched Jamie and Lottie train outside from her window. Her bedroom overlooked the frozen garden outside, which Jamie had chosen as his 'training ground'. The two were smiling, occasional planting a playful hit on each other's shoulders. A dull ache thumped in her chest. Jamie had agreed to train Lottie again. 

It had been a month since Jamie came back to them, and Ellie was aware of how gentle they were around her. It was almost like they were sure the experience over the years had broken her. They weren't quite right, but they weren't wrong, either. 

She knew she wasn't the same. She still felt a bit depressed, but she was getting better. She had picked fencing up again, which was good. 

Same went for the rest of the group. Ellie had been texting to Raphael and Binah, Binah relieved that all of them were safe, and Raphael... He told Ellie about his crush on Jamie and Ellie in return told him about her crush on Lottie. 

They sought each other for comfort, especially when they were moping for Jamie and Lottie. 

Ellie's thoughts were drawn away from Jamie and Lottie as her phone vibrated. An unknown number sent her message. Her suspicions spiked as she clicked into it. 

Charlotte Eden Pumpkin, I would like to meet you. I have a proposal. Come to this address:
15/87 Curran Rd
Maradova 4087

Ellie blinked, reading over the message again. She looked back over the garden, where Lottie and Jamie were. Lottie was giggling, a blush painting her cheeks. Jamie was smiling, ruffling Lottie's curls affectionally. Jealousy stabbed her chest. 

She looked back over the message, reading it again and again, wondering who it could possibly be. Who could ever know Lottie's full name? And how they got Ellie's phone number. But most importantly, why they decided to message in the first place. 

She hurriedly put on some warm clothes, staggering to the door as she struggled to put her boots on. As Ellie put on a scarf and opened the door, Hanna stood on the other side, her hand raised to knock. They both blinked for a moment, before Hanna smiled and produced a feather duster from her back. She bowed slightly in respect. 

"Mind if I clean your room, Princess?" she asked, a playful tone hidden in her obedient voice. Ellie giggled, taking a step to the side to let the maid in. 

"Of course, Hanna. And please stop calling me 'Princess'." she said, smiling. Hanna nodded, looking at the floor and walking in. Ellie's eyes lingered on the maid's fair skin and her olive eyes for a moment, before shaking herself out of her reverie. 

"I'm going to go see Jamie and Lottie, I'll be back in 15." Ellie said, closing the door. 

Ellie rushed down the hallways and out into the open. As the cold bit her cheeks, she shuddered. She was never much a fan of the snow, much preferring the rain. She slowed down, wrapping her scarf tighter around her neck and her mouth. The snow had stopped, but everything looked like something out of a fairytale. The palace reminded her so much of the White Witch's castle from The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. Put stone statues in the garden, and done. 

She heard distant laughter, and smiled. Following the direction of the sound, she soon found Jamie and Lottie punching the air with weights. She paused a small distance from them, watching them. Both of them only had thin shirts on, small beads of perspiration dotting their faces. 

Ellie noticed that Lottie's limbs were looking a lot more lean and defined, her baby cheeks a bit thinner than she remembered. She also had a defined jawline that made Ellie's knees weak. Lottie still had that childish air about her, but looked older and more fitter. Ellie couldn't see her eyes, but she knew that she was having fun, enjoying fitness more than she had before.

"Hey! Jamie! Lottie!" Ellie called out. The two turned her direction, pausing their punching. Lottie smiled, calling out in return. "Hey Ellie!"

Ellie smiled, walking closer. The other two put down their weights, walking to Ellie. She pulled out her phone. "Listen, 2 minutes ago, I got this text message." she said, opening said message. Jamie took the phone, brows furrowing as he took in. Lottie stood on her toes as she tried to look over his arm. In return, Jamie angled the phone so Lottie could see. 

Ellie watched their reactions. Jamie seemed more tensed than he was, cold mask slipping back on. Lottie bit her lip nervously, but her face seemed as stoic as Jamie's. The two were silent for a while, occasional sharing looks with each other or looking up at Ellie. 

"We need to show the King." Jamie finally said, macho voice stoic. Ellie nodded. Jamie handed the phone back to Ellie. "Let us pack up, then we'll all go and see the King."

Ellie sat down at a stone bench nearby, watching Lottie and Jamie pack up. Lottie easily lifted a small bag of weights over her shoulder, Jamie packing away the bows and arrows from shooting practise. When they finally finished, all three made their way to find the King. 

Ellie couldn't ignore the excited air about them as they walked through the snow. A new threat, yes. But a new adventure. 


"Julius, have you sent the message?"

Julius stood before his master, back straight and all attention directed to him. He was acutely aware of the stares he still received for his eye patch, but he remained calm. "Yes, Master." he drawled. 

They were standing in the master's office, the only light given being the natural light streaming through the large windows to one side. His master stood by the window, looking out as he spoke. 

"We can only hope the princess takes the bait." the master continued. Julius nodded. "It was a shame about Ingrid and her team-"

"With all due respect, Master, it's wouldn't have failed if you'd let me go." Julie interrupted. The master paused, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Yes. My mistake." he said quietly, his french accent only just audible. He turned to Julius, face cold again. 

"Please tell my daughter I'm sorry I can't be with her." he said. Julius nodded, thinking of the brunette Barbie of a girl. Her feistiness, her rare beauty. It made his pain worth while. 

"I will tell her." Julius promised. The master's dark eyes bore into his, almost challenging him. He remained unwaveringly strong.

"Keep in mind, she has a girlfriend. She loves Saskia." the master warned, as if reading his mind. Julius's heart seemed to skip a beat. The girl he had secretly loved for how many years, 10? Had a girlfriend? 

"O-of course, Master." Julius stuttered. The master sighed. 

"Your dismissed. Keep me informed about the princess, and my daughter Anastacia, will you?" he finally said, waving a hand to Julius. He nodded in return, turning to the door. 

It wasn't until Julius reached his quarters did he sigh in disappointed. As he sat down, his large hand brushed his photo of Anastacia. 

I will find you, princess...

I will find you, Ani...

And you will love me.

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