19 | is she really the princess

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The nest few days were a haze. Lottie and Ellie mainly stayed in Ellie's rec room, watching movies or playing video games. The two didn't say much, but instead just cuddling underneath the safety of blankets. 

They couldn't relax too much - there still was the threat of the Leviathan. And how much they knew. 

Lottie sighed, stretching her arms. Ellie stirred, looking from Pirates Of The Carribean to Lottie. "I'm going to go get some chocolate." she said quietly. Ellie nodded, smiling. "Get me some as well. Lottie nodded, quietly walking out of The Vault into the corridor. 


 "Don't. Scream."

"Jamie! Please! This isn't you!" Lottie cried as Jamie held his arm against her neck.

It had happened so fast. One moment, she was wandering down the palace halls to the kitchen, the next, she was put in a headlock by Jamie.

Jamie growled, cutting her short. A small figure climbed through the window, landing on her feet. Spiked boots clacked on the marble floors. She was thin, elegant and sly, stalking towards them like a cat. She slowly walked into the light, hips swaying.


She chuckled softly. "Good job Jamie! Knew you had it in you." She smiled, a twisted smile that sent shivers through Lottie's core.

"Secure the princess. I'll let them know." She purred. Jamie smirked, his grip tightened around Lottie's neck.

"Jamie please. Don't do this!" Lottie pleaded, tears running down her cheeks. Jamie dug his fingers into her scalp, making her yelp.

"Hey Lottie? Do you want me to make popco-" Coming around the corner, Ellie cut herself off upon seeing Jamie and Ingrid.

"Jamie?" She whispered. Reality slowly sunk in. Ellie glared at him. "You're with them?" It wasn't a question; she already knew the answer.

"Take another step and the Princess get it." Jamie hissed. Ellie tensed. She locked eyes with Lottie, taking in the situation. Lottie shook her head ever so slightly.

They don't know Ellie's the princess.

Jamie bared his teeth, tightening his grip. His knuckles became white from the strain. Lottie yelped in surprise.

"Jamie you're hurting her! It's Lottie! Lottie Pumpkin, the same girl who loves you, the same girl you care about!" Ellie cried in Maravish. Something flashed in Jamie's eyes, and for a moment, Ellie glimpsed the lost boy inside. Jamie blinked, and glared back at her, growling.

"Take a step closer and see what happens, Ellie." He spat. Ellie's worst fear had become true. After weeks of worrying and stressing about Jamie's disappearance, it was confirmed that he joined the Leviathan. Slow clapping started from the side.

"My, my. Where's my box of tissues? This renunion is bringing tears to my eyes." Ingrid dabbed at fake tears with her sleeve, "But too late, naughty children should be punished, don't you think, Jamie?" Ingrid purred. Ellie glared at her. Ingrid's dark eyes glinted from underneath her bangs as she sized her up.

Ingrid. The same bitch who crossed Jamie over, the bitch who had given her the scar, the bitch who had haunted her dreams for weeks.

"You," Ellie snarled, "you did this to him."

With a war cry, Ellie lunged at Ingrid, who swiftly pulled out a gun and pressed it against Lottie's forehead. Lottie's eyes widened in fear. Ellie froze, fist held midair.

"On the contrary, I did nothing. He was willing." Ingrid licked her lips, taking the safety lock off the gun.

No. No! Anything but Lottie.

Ellie slowly relaxed, still glaring at Ingrid. "Now back away. Slowly." Ingrid prompted, a sly smile playing on her lips. Ellie gritted her teeth, taking big steps backwards.

She knew that there was a showcased suit of armour not so far away, and if she could get to it, she could use the sword.

"Keep going."

A little more... there!

Ellie wielded the sword in front of her. Taking stance, she noticed Ingrid's slacked jaw dropped in surprise, before it hardened, gripping her gun tighter.

"Jamie, secure the princess. I'll deal with this bitch."

Lottie squealed as Jamie lifted her by the waist, and carried her over his shoulder. She watched as Ingrid pounced at Ellie. Ellie quickly blocked the hit, kicking her leg out in an attempt to unbalance Ingrid. The small woman dodged, planting a fist to Ellie's torso.

She groaned, but as Ingrid raised her gun to shoot, she pivoted, taking Ingrid's arm and wrestling the gun out of her hand. She threw it far down the hallway, out of their proximity.

Lottie forced herself to look down. She felt guilty. The real Princess was being harmed for her. She needed to do something. Lottie wracked her brain for memories of her lessons on self defence.

Jamie's stony voice wormed it's way into Lottie's head.

OK, be soft, use that as your weapon. But you need something to back it up with.

Alright, Jamie. I'll just use your advice against you.

Lottie slacked, letting Jamie carry her down the hallway. She waited until he loosened his hold slightly on her waist.

She kicked her leg forwards, hitting something soft, making him yell and drop her. She tumbled to the marble floor, rolling to soften her fall. She got up to see Jamie doubled over in pain. She used the opportunity to grab his face. She stared into his brown eyes. The intense brown eyes that made her legs weak, and made her melt into a puddle of love. They locked pupils.

"Jamie. I know this isn't you. Please, LISTEN TO ME!"

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