18 | weak

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Finally, the end of the term had come, and Lottie was visibly more relaxed. She had been permanently tense since she came back from her meeting with Miss Pumpkin, and Ellie didn't like it. 

She wanted to see the Lottie who told her off about her messy room on the first day. Now... It was almost as if Lottie and Jamie had become one. 

Ellie sighed as she watched students from all three houses run around the courtyard. She was sitting on her suitcase, just in front of one of the rose gardens. The floral scent was heavy, reminding her so painfully of Lottie. 

As for the older girl, she was still in her dorm, packing everything into her suitcase. Ellie had offered to help, but was only shooed out of her own room. 

"Miss Wolf?"

Ellie looked up, to see June. She gave a glare in her direction. "What do you want?" she grumbled, propping her head up with her hand, elbow resting on her knee. She looked back over the students. 

"You shouldn't be treating your teachers like-"

"You aren't my teacher, and I know you work for them." Ellie snapped, still not looking at the woman. She stayed silent for a while. Ellie was starting to think that she walked away when June finally spoke up. 

"Look, Eleanor. I know that you're the real princess, and that the blondie is really a Portman." June scoffed, leaning closer. Her previously sweet voice had been replaced with one of malice and stone. Ellie froze, eyes widening. "A good one, too." she added. 

"Don't you fucking hurt my princess." Ellie snarled, looking up at June. She simply laughed in return, her blonde curls bouncing. "Or what? You're gonna fight me?" June mocked, standing back up. 

"You have no idea what I can do."

"Oh really? I hear you haven't been to training for a few weeks. Maybe you've become weak?"




'I'm not weak....'

"I'm not weak." Ellie struggled through gritted teeth. June rolled her eyes. 

"What ever helps you sleep at night, honey." She said, flicking her hair over her shoulder. She sighed heavily, checking her elegant wrist watch. 

"Anyways, I should get going. Have a safe plane trip home!" June's sweet and friendly voice came back, as she walked away. 

Ellie's mind was racing. She had to warn Lottie, she had to tell Binah-


Ellie managed to stifle her scream as Lottie came into her view. She stopped breathing for a second, before exhaling in relief. "You need to stop doing that!" Ellie laughed, voice shaky. Lottie raised an eyebrow, before smiling. "You used to do that, too." Lottie giggled. Her expression became a little more serious. 

"What did June say?" She asked, sitting down on her own luggage next to Ellie. Ellie took a breather, taking her in. Her blue eyes were glittering once more, looking more like the easily flustered, funny and caring Ellie fell for. 

"Um..." Ellie paused, biting her lip, "June knows about our situation." Ellie felt Lottie stiffen, like she had been the past few months. 

"You mean... she know's I'm not the princess?" Lottie finally asked, voice cold and calculated. Ellie couldn't stop herself from shivering. Lottie was becoming more like Jamie as time went on. Ellie simply nodded, looking the other way. The two were silent for a long time, before Lottie exhaled. 

"Ellie, you can't be out of my sight, at all costs." Lottie said quietly. Ellie nodded. "We don't know how much they know." Lottie continued. 

"How much who know?" 

The two girls squealed and grabbed each other tightly. Their eyes were squeezed shut, Ellie starting to hyperventilate. Loud laughing came from behind them, which could only belong to one person. 

"Girls, your reaction!" Raphael laughed. Ellie heard his laughter and felt relieved that it wasn't someone who came to kidnap them. She heard Lottie grumble. 

"Raphael!" Lottie lectured, letting go of Ellie, "you don't just do that! Imagine if we did that while you were thinking about Jamie?"

Raphael immediately stopped laughing. "Sorry." he mumbled. Ellie noted that his voice was raspier than she remembered. 

"Raph?" she asked tentatively. "Yes?"

"Do you smoke?"

"Yeah..." was Raphael's sheepish answer. Ellie nodded, looking up and offering a smile at the boy. "It's ok. We all have our tough times..." she said, trailing off. She thought about her own lapse. 

"Ellie? Our ride's here." Lottie's voice drew her out of her memories. She looked back at her. She was standing up, the slight breeze making her blonde burls dance a little. But there was a shadow on her face, one that went deeper than it seemed. She held out a hand. Ellie smiled, taking it. 

The two grabbed their luggage, walking away as they waved good bye to Raphael. As they walked to the car, Ellie thought about the holidays laying ahead and having to face her grandmother. She sighed, wishing Jamie was there to help her cope. 

The ride to Maradova was silent, Lottie looking preoccupied. Ellie simply ignored her absent-mindedness and did Maths exercises. Both girls were relieved to see the privet jet land. As Ellie exited the jet, the fresh, icy air bit her cheeks. The land looked a winter wonderland, the white snow covering every centimetre of the surfaces. 


 Lottie sighed as she reached her room in the Maravish palace. She saw the snow drift down through the large windows, and put down her luggage. Almost staggering, she made her way to her plush bed, face planting onto it. She hummed in pleasure at the soft mattress, feeling like a fresh pool of feathers. 

Lottie lay there for a moment, relaxing her sore limbs. She rolled over, taking out her phone. She checked her messages, hoping to see something that could help her find Jamie. Not just where he was, but how he was. 

Lottie <3

Jamie where are you? You're scaring me

Lottie <3
Jamie please, come back. I don't want you to leave

Lottie <3
Jamie I'm so sorry for whatever I've ever done to you. Please come back

Lottie <3
Jamie I love you. Please come back

Jamie... saw her messages? Lottie's heart skipped a beat. Suddenly the weight that seemed to hold her down was lifted a little- only to be put back down at the factor that Leviathan might know what she hoped they didn't. 

Lottie sighed, putting her phone on her pillow beside. She was tired from her travels, and she knew she couldn't do much to help Jamie at that point. Letting her body relax, she closed her eyes to the first dream she had for the first time since Jamie had disappeared. 

Hey guys!

Wow, I'm really sorry for the long wait. It feels like I've almost abandoned Lost. Don't worry, I haven't. I've just been super busy with a lot of things (SCHOOL, I'M LOOKING AT YOU). 

On another note; we're almost hitting 1K reads! Please vote, comment and share this book with anyone you know who is a fan of The Rosewood Chronicles!


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