21 | lost and found

625 21 27

Lottie found herself, once again, in the cherubic hall awaiting her trial. Ingrid had been placed in the dungeons along with several other agents the guards had found on the grounds.

Jamie and Ellie has sustained mild injuries, both of them receiving mild cuts and bruises, Ellie receiving a black eye and concussion.

"Again, our future queen has sustained injuries." Willemina groaned as she gripped her cane. "Why is she placed in danger again and again?"

Lottie bit her lip. Willemina was still the most terrifying woman in her eyes, but she had grown used to her demanding and often slightly annoying demeanour.

She opened her mouth to object quietly, but felt a squeeze on her wrist. She turned her head slightly, looking out of the corner of her eye. Jamie was standing there, face as cold as ever. But his jaw was clamped, his muscles tense. She looked away, eyes instead resting on the King.

"Jamie, what happened?" Queen Matilde spoke up quietly. Her face was calm, blank and beautiful. But her mouth was set in a grim line, her eyes fixated on Jamie.

"I was kidnapped by the Leviathan. I woke up in their headquarters, where I was injected with the Hamelin Formula." He started, looking down briefly.

"They kept me in a room for a week with little water and food, trying to interrogate me each day. They offered me a position on the team as a loyalty test. I accepted the offer."

Willemina banged her cane against the floor, making Lottie flinch. She instinctively reached for Ellie's hand. She found it, squeezing it tightly.

"Mother." King Alexander glanced at Willemina sternly, before gesturing to Jamie to continue. Lottie heard him suck in a quick breath.

"They have what they call an 'initiation training', where they test the new team members on their skill and all round knowledge. I surpassed it in a week." Jamie's voice was monotone, but Lottie could just hear a hint a pride.

"However, in the time I was conscious of my own body, Ingrid and Julius revealed nothing. Neither did any of the other agents. Ingrid is currently placed in high ranks. The Master is a French man with dark hair. He never leaves his room, only occasionally to check in on training."

King Alexander nodded once, easing his hand to call his advisor over. He and Simien conversed quietly, shooting glances at Jamie.

Lottie shifted slightly on her feet. She still hadn't gotten used to Simien. There was a certain air about him that made her uncomfortable. The two finally drew away from each other, the king looking slightly more stressed than he did a few minutes ago.

"Jamie, you do realise that you could still be under the influence of the formula?" He asked, his eyes piercing straight into Jamie's. He nodded once. The King let out an exasperated sigh.

"We will have the medical team examine you and we'll keep an eye out for you until you show no more signs of brainwashing. Is that clear?"

Jamie nodded again, biting a corner of his lip nervously. Lottie felt Ellie's grip on her hand tighten. She gave a small squeeze back.

"You are dismissed."

The three forded out of the hall, all of them exhaling in relief as soon as the doors closed.


Jamie, Ellie and Lottie were sitting on Ellie's bed. They were all lying down, heads together, hands held. Jamie had put his pendant back on as soon as he got to his quarters.

Jamie's arm was underneath Lottie's neck, Lottie clasping his hand tight on her shoulder.

They stayed like that for a while, enjoying each other's presence.

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