15 | help me... help us

445 13 31

Note: For those who read this chapter the first time it was published, please read it again. I've added stuff on the end ;)

"Lottie, what's the matter?" Binah asked, once they got outside. They were in a secluded rose garden. Lottie inhaled the fragrant scent, letting it calm her. 

Kind, brave, unstoppable. Come on, Lottie.

"Ellie isn't the same." she blurted, tears leaking down her cheeks. She sat down heavily on the stone bench and looked up to Binah. The dark-skinned girl offered a comforting smile, sitting down next to her. 

"I know, Lottie. But we have to be brave, and try to be as normal as possible." Binah said, giving Lottie the strange impression that she was reading her mind. She sniffed, waiting for her to continue. 

But she just sat there, staring at her. Lottie started feeling uncomfortable underneath Binah's owl-like eyes. She sighed. 

"Listen, I don't want to leave Ellie alone. She's been having nightmares, and she gets really anxious if she can't see me." Lottie wrung her hands together, her knuckles turning white, "But I don't know what to do. Binah, help me."

Binah sighed, poking her glasses back up her nose. "Lottie... I know many things. I figured out that Ellie was the real princess, and I figure what Leviathan was before anyone even heard of them. But the only thing I don't know is the human brain. I don't know what Ellie's going through." she said slowly and quietly. Lottie froze. But... Binah knew everything. 

She had to. 

"Just keep close to her, and don't let her go. Ok?" she whispered. Lottie nodded miserably, leaning into Binah. Binah hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry." she whispered. Lottie sniffed, savouring Binah's body warmth. 

They stayed like that until Binah pulled away. "We should go. Ellie would be worried." Binah said quietly. Lottie nodded miserably, rubbing her tears away. She took in a deep breath, before she starting walking away. 


Lottie paused by the entrance of the garden, without turning back. 

"It's going to get better, ok?"

Lottie smiled. "Thanks, Binah."

She walked back to the hall, to see Percy and Micky looking panicked. She ran up to them, grabbing Percy's shoulder. He jumped at her touch, his eyes wide and frantically darting around.

"What's happened?" she asked. Micky looked at her in fear. 

"Lola went outside with Ellie, and now we can't find them!" he cried, tears rolling down his cheeks. Lottie's heart sank. Lola and Ellie missing. That could only mean one thing:

The Leviathan. 

Lottie felt Fear take his hold on her stomach, and steeled herself. Jamie wasn't there, so she'll have to be the strong one. 

Be brave, be brave, be brave. 

Micky grabbed onto her sleeve, hiccupping. Lottie looked at him and put a hand on his shoulder, acutely aware of the passing students staring at them. She leaned in. "What did Lola say?" she asked quietly, surprised to hear her voice so cold. Micky blinked. 

"She asked Ellie if she could talk to her outside... Ellie shrugged and went out with her." he choked. Lottie frowned. 

"Has Lola been acting strangely lately?"

Micky loosened his grip on Lottie's arm for a moment and he thought about it. Fresh tears started leaking. "Y-yes," he stammered, "She's been acting really sad lately. Like she's torn."

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