Chapter 3: Amazing sandwiches

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Skyliers P.O.V.

"Well, it was nice meeting you all. Hey are you guys hungry?" I asked a bit quickly.

"Well, Im hungry, im not sure about the other guys," Louis looked at the other guys and then turned back to me, "Yeah we are hungry."

"Ok, I'll cook. What do you guys want?" I asked looking around at all five of the boys.

"How about you make us those amazing grilled cheese's that you always made up growing up!" Louis said rubbing his stomach.

"Ok." I agree as I see the boys go to the kitchen table. I hear small whispers and laughs. "ok so the first three ar--" Before I could finish my sentence Louis, Harry, and Niall were standing next to me. All three of them grabbed a plate with a sandwich on it and ran back to the table. A few seconds later I heard loud moan of happiness.

"This sandwich is..... AMAZING" I hear Niall says with a mouth full

"I told you that they were really good" Louis agree'd looking back at me.

"Ok, so the last three are done so Zayn and Liam you guys can come get yours." I ordered. Just as I expected Zayn and Liam ran over to me grabbed a plate. Liam being very polite and said thank you and walked back to the table unlike Zayn who ran back to the table.

About a minute later Zayn started to speak. "Who taught you to cook like this?"

I looked down at my have eaten sandwich. "Well, i taught myself 'cos my parents are almost never home and my sister is a horrible cook." I said and I saw  Louis nod.

As we all finish our sandwich and started talking between ourselves, Louis face lit up a little bit more than it was already. " Lets play truth or dare." He said with grin on his face.

We all made our way to the living room. "Skylier, Truth or dare?" Harry asked smiling.

"umm... Truth." I said unsure.

"What is your secret talent? Something that maybe only your best friend might only know?"

I look at Louis and he mumbles "singing". I look at him in anger. "Come on, Sky! Sing for us." he says starting to pout.

"You know that I dont like to sing in front of poeple!" All five boys look at me and start chanting "Sing! Sing! Sing!"

"Fine but what song?"  I ask.

"Why dont you sing your favorite song by...... us!" Zayn stated.

After a long procrastination I start to sing

when he opens his arms and holds you close tonight it just wont feel right. 'cos i can love you more than this. when he lays you down i might just die inside. it just wont feel right. 'cos i can love you more than this. if im louder would you see me would you lay down in my arms and rescue me 'cos we are the same you save me but when you leave its gone again and then i see you on the streets in his arms, i get weak my body fails, im on my knee's praying. when he opens his arms and holds you close tonight it just dont feel right 'cos i can love you more than this. when he lays you down i might just die inside it just wont feel right. 'cos i can love you more than this. can love you more than this. ive never had the words to say but now im asking you to stay for a little while inside my arms and as you close to your eyes tonight i pray that you see the light that shines from the stars above.

As I finished singing I looked at the boys and they were all shocked. " Guys? Hello? Yoo-Hoo?"

"Oh, right. sorry. You are amazing. And you did amazing at my solo. most people have trouble doing them but you just went for it." Zayn said still kinda shocked.

"Uh, Thanks. Well lets get back to the game........ Niall Truth or dare?"

"Ummm. Dare."

"I dare you to do a kartwheel in my livingroom!" I said laughing.

"B-But. Fine." He finally agreed. He go up and finally did a kart wheel. a horrible one if I may say so myself. We started to crack up laughing. "Ok, Skylier Truth or dare?" Niall said catching his breath.

"Ok, why is everyone going for me? anyway, Dare." I said with confidence.

Louis whispered in Nialls ear and he starts to laugh again. "I dare you to do a hand stand!"

I looked at Louis and had a feeling that this was his idea! But I got up and tucked my shirt into my pants and did a hang stand. then memories of me and Louis trying to do hand stands, round offs, back bends, and much more started coming back to me. I started to laugh. I think Louis knew why i was laughing because he started to laugh. The other boys started looking at us weird and then started laughing.

"Ah, that brought back so many memories. and by the way, Sky, you have gotten a little bit better." Louis said after he caught his breath.

"Aww, thanks," I said sarcastically. "Anyway. Harry Truth or dare?"

"Truth." he finally answers after a minute of debating.

"What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happen to you on stage?"

"Umm. Either slipping and falling on stage or when the Zayn and Liam ripped my shirt open. I was in the middle of my solo in What Makes You Beautiful and they came up behind me and ripped my shirt." He answered starting to blush

Harry's P.O.V.

Louis had a great idea of playing truth or dare. I learned that Skylier is an amazing singer. She sang More Than This, she did every ones part but Liam's why? Maybe 'cause she doesnt really dont know. Yeah, that has to be it.  She can some what do a hand stand. i snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my name.

"Harry, truth or dare?" Skylier asked.

I sat there for a couple of seconds debating which one to pick. "Truth."

"What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happen to you on stage."

I froze for a second and then started to speak. "ummm. i would have to say either when i slipped and fell. or when i was in the middle of my solo in What Makes You Beautiful Liam and Zayn came up behind me and ripped my shirt open. it was quite embarrassing."

I cant believe i just told her that! I started to blush.

"I could imagine. That seems very embarrassing." Skylier agree'd.

I was think who i was going to ask 'truth or dare' to, then I remembered the only person that I really need to get to know more is Skylier.

"Skylier. Truth or dare?"

She just sighed, "Truth."

"What was the last three things that made you cry?"

"The last three?" Skylier asked confused

"Yes, the last three."

"Umm School, My ex-boyfriend, and my parents/older sister." Skylier asked starting to tear up, but she holds them back.

i wanted to know why but that would make it even would make it worse. Louis was now holding her now, making her laugh.

I saw both Louis and Skylier look at me and i mouth 'Im Sorry!'. Skylier just smiles.

I had a funny thought. "Lets make this interesting. Skylier Dare or Double Dare." I wink and laugh.

"Double Dare." Skylier said concerned.

"I Dare you to kiss me..... on the cheek."

She smiles and crawls over to me. then kisses me on the cheek. And of course i loved it! I could tell that she loved it too.

This night is going to get very interesting.

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