Chapter 20: memories

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Skyliers P.O.V.

"Whats going on?" Harry asked with worry written all over his face.

I took a deep breath and started from the beginning

*Flash Back*

Louis and I have been running around this park forever. I was getting tired. I quickly lay down on the soft grass.

"You ok?" Louis asked sitting down next to me.

"Yeah, im perfectly fine." I smiled. The only time I was ok was when I was with Louis. He was the only true friend I had. He was my best friend. I put my hands under my head, while I was laying, which made my shirt come up at the bottom a little bit. Revealing a couple bruises. I didnt realize they were showing until and Louis' eyes went from my waist and stomach to my eyes back to my stomach and back to my eyes.

"What happened?" He asked seriously.

"Nothing." I lied, sitting up and pulling my shirt down.

"You know you can tell me anything." He looked the most serious than he has been in a while.

Should I tell him?  Can I tell him? He is my best friend, he deserves to know. "Promise not to tell anyone.?" I asked knowing that he would agree.


"OK, all these bruises are from... my parents." I said that last part quickly and quietly.

"You-- Your parents?" he asked shocked.

"Yeah." i whispered.

"How did it happen?"

"Earlier today I was watching TV and my parents came home from thier business trip and they were really angry, for who knows what reason. And they dont really like me watching TV because they think I should be studying. I just ignored them and the next thing I knew things were flying at me. Thats when I ran out and came to your house." I whispered starting to cry. He instantly pulled me into a hug.

"Im so sorry." 

"Its not your fault" I murmured into his chest.

* End of flash back.*

Harry just sat there shocked.

"Thats just one time. There was a time that both of you should know. I mean I have never told anyone this not even Lauren and Chloe." I started, both of them looked at me.

*Flash back*

I woke up to my mums annoying voice.

"Yeah, She is still alive." She said frustrated. She sounded like she didnt want me to be alive. My own mum. Is this really happening? I didnt even bother opening my eyes because then she would end her conversation with who ever who is talking to. "She is such a disgrace to this family. She wants to be a damn singer. Why cant she be more like Olivia, who is now a lawyer.Yeah its a good thing that Louis is gone that way she has no one to persuade her to sing" Did she just say that Olivia is a lawyer. Hahah thats funny the only thing that she can defend is why she should go out with Andrew. And what Olivia failed to tell her is that she never really got a job as a lawyer. The only reason that she said that is was so she could travel more with her boyfriend. Ugh, curse that girl. She did not just bring Louis into this. NO! And now im a disgrace to the family. Im sorry that I rather do what I love than what you force me to do. I moved a little bit to notify her that i was awake. "Well, I have to go James, She is waking up." She was talking to my uncle? What the hell?

I opened my eyes to the plain white walls and a bunch of machines beeping. Was I in a hospital? Wait what happened? Then all the memories came back. The car accident.

The door quickly opened and the doctor came in. "Ah, I see that you are awake."

"Yeah." I tried to move but I was in too much pain, from my head to my toe. "So what is all the damage?" I said pointing to my body with my right hand because my left hand was in a cast

"Well, you fractured you wrist, sprained your ankle and a minor concussion." He read of a paper. "How are you feeling?"

"Well my head hurts. well everything hurts. But the worst pain is my head." I stated and I could see my mum

"Ok, I'll be right back." He said then walked out. A few minutes later he came back and gave me medicine. Then he left again. Well, what a great doctor.

I heard my mother mumble something under her breath. "What a disappointment." Was she talking about me? Most likely. But I didnt care, sleep was more important right now. I know I just woke up but I am really tired. Thats when I let sleep over rule me.

*End of flash back*

"Wow" Both Harry and Louis said at the same time.

"Yeah. But I'm so over them. I learned to fight back since then." There was a long silence. So I stood up and started to speak. "Ok, now lets start packing." and so we started. Every once in a while Harry or Louis would make fun of a piece of clothing but I just ignored the insult and laughed with them. I was a fun morning . I could care less that I was in the same house as my worst enemies, my parents.

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