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* 2 years later*

You look absolutely gorgeous." Anne whispered to me.

"I cant believe my best friend is getting married." Lauren sighed.

"I cant believe that I'm getting married either." I smiled.

"Well, believe it babe." Chloe ordered while putting the final touches on my hair. She sprayed a shit load of hair-spray, like always

"How much hair-spray are you going to use?" I laughed.

"As much as it takes to keep your hair in place. Now go take a look in the mirror. I think you are going to love it. Its a soft curly updo." Chloe stated.

I walked over to the full body mirror for the first time today. I was shocked by what I saw. That was defiantly not me. The girl looking back at me in the mirror was beautiful. Her hair was curled and was pinned into a bun sorta thing at bottom of her head. She had natural looking make-up on and her dress. Oh, her dress. It looked like something that Cinderella would have worn. It was strapless and hugged her skin. At her waist it poofed out all the way to the floor.

"Thats not me. It cant be. Shes breath taking." I whispered.

"But it is you, Honey." Anne stated.

Im glad that she is going to be my Mother-in-law. She is going to be the mother that I never had. I mean my mom told me that she wasnt coming to my wedding because she was 'busy'. What kind of mother says that?

There was a knock on the door. Eleanor answered it due to me still being shocked. In walked the two people that I didnt think that would show up. My mom and Dad.

"Skylier can we talk to you. Alone." My mom murmured. looking at the floor. Everyone looked at my then left.

"Let me just say you look beautiful." My dad started.

'Thanks." I mumbled.

"I know you must be wondering why we are here, because we said we weret coming." He stated and I nodded. "We came to say we're sorry." He finished.

"Sorry for what? For never being there for me. For always ignoring me. For not being parents to me? For making me have a screwed up childhood. You were never home. I raised myself. Sure, Olivia was there, but not very much. For crushing my dream of singing? For abusing me when you were home? For making me cry myself to sleep EVERY NIGHT? For acting like your work is more important that you own daughter? Why are you sorry dad? If I can even call you that. You know what you arent my parents, Louis' parents are more of parents to me, Chloe's parents are more of parents, hell, even Laurens parents are more of parents to me than you ever were. You were the ones that left me to fight for myself. I had to work from the age of 12. Thank god that Aunt Jackie and Uncle Mat have thier own business. Hell, they were more of parents to me than your were." I snapped but ended up crying at the end.

"Sky, Sweetie." My mom started but I cutt her off.

"No, dont call me Sky, or sweetie, or Honey, or babe, or anything. I am tired of your shit. This is MY wedding. I am marrying the guy of MY dream. I am following MY dream. I have a kid. And guess what I am going to be the parent that I always wanted but never got. Im going to give him whatever he wants, Im NOT going to ignore him, I will quit my job for him if needed. Or take a break from work just to spend time with him. Hell, he can come on tour with Lauren, Chloe and I. I will let him follow his dreams and do what he wants.And I will not come to his wedding and say that Im sorry for never being there and expect him to forgive me."

"Skylier." My dad started

"Please leave." I whispered as Louis walked in.

"Just one question. Who is walking you down the aisle?"

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