Chapter 2

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   Several months has passed since the fall of Calamity Ganon. Slowly but surely, Hyrule was getting restored thanks to Link and Zelda working tirelessly.

   Many people were thankful, grateful that Hyrule was at peace once more. Finally after 100 years, they would finally live in peace. No monsters will ever threaten them again.

   On the same note, the people were waiting for their wedding. News spread around that Link had proposed to Zelda, everyone was eager. While everyone wanted Hyrule to be fully restored, they would want the princess and the Hylian Champion to wed.

   After many months, that time finally came. The sound of bells could be heard as flower petals were blowing in the wind. At the altar, Link and Zelda were face to face. Link was wearing a fancy suit while Zelda was wearing a gorgeous white dress with a veil going down her back.

   The priest who were to wed them was an elderly Zora named Kapson. He felt happy that he was going to wed another royal couple.

   In the crowd of people who were seated to witness the royal wedding, there was Link's assistant along with the Zora king who was once the Zora prince. They were the guests of honor.

   Seated right behind them were Bolson, Hudson, and Karson from Bolson Construction. Relief fell over Link as they were no longer sitting in the front yard of his house in Hateno Village.

The descendants of the champions were there as well as Impa and her granddaughter, Paya.

The wedding was about to start as Kapson cleared his throat. "We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Princess Zelda of Hyrule, and Hylian Champion Link. Once they have sealed their marriage, they will officially become king and queen of Hyrule."

Link and Zelda stared into each other's eyes. They couldn't believe they were getting married as their hearts were beating as one.

Kapson continued. "You two may put on your wedding rings."

Link had Zelda's ring vise versa with Zelda having Link's ring. Link was the first to put the ring on Zelda. Zelda put the ring on his finger afterwards. They both smiled fondly at each other.

   Kapson spoke up. "Do you, Link, take Zelda to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, joy and sorrow until death do you part?"

   Link nodded. "I do."

   "And do you do, Zelda, take Link as your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, joy and sorrow until death do you part?"

   Zelda nodded. "I do."

   Kapson gave them a small smile. "By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, as well as king and queen of Hyrule. You may now kiss the bride."

   Link pulled Zelda close to him as he deeply kissed her. Zelda gave into the kiss as she brought him close to her as well. Everyone who was witnessing their wedding all clapped and cheered. The newly wedded couple didn't even hear the sound of people clapping and cheering as they were lost in their own world.

   As the newly wedded couple were finished with their lover's moment, the guests were coming up to them by group.

   The first guests that greeted them were Impa and Paya. Impa gave them a humble smile. "Congratulations, king and queen of Hyrule."

   Zelda smiled back. "Thank you, Impa."

   Link smiled as well. "Yeah, thank you."

   Paya went up to Zelda, embracing her tightly. "Congratulations, Princess- I mean Queen Zelda! I'm so happy for you!"

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