Chapter 29

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A week after their overnight date, Link and Zelda were planning a family vacation to Hateno Village. Of course that meant Lyra will tag along with them. It would be their first family vacation since they finally had time to spare after taking care of duties tending to Hyrule. Now it was the time to relax.

Packing her bag, Lyra zipped it up, pulling it over her shoulder. She went out her bedroom door, closing it behind her. She couldn't wait to spend quality time with both of her parents.

Making it towards the entrance, Lyra saw Link and Zelda waiting for her. "Did you double check to see if you got everything you needed?" Zelda asked.

"Triple checked." Lyra responded.

"The carriage is waiting for us." Link said. "And once we get there, we have a nice place to stay at."

"Did you already book a room over there, father?"

Link smiled. "You'll see when we get there."

Getting in the carriage, the knights were waving farewell as the carriage was leaving the castle. The ride was a little bumpy, but overall smooth.

It would still be a while before they arrived at Hateno Village. Lyra was staring out the window, watching the trees pass by.

"So..." Link spoke up, making Lyra snap out of it. "Will you finally tell me what you and Hayate did on your overnight date?"

Averting her eyes to the side, Lyra cleared her throat. "We bathed in the hot springs- separately of course. And we went to the spa to get massages and facials, it was really nice. We took a stroll around the village, and he ended up putting a fallen plum blossom in my hair. And then, we ate at this restaurant called Koko's Kitchen. It was so good! The food was extravagant."

Link nodded. "And how did you end the night?"

Silent for a moment, Lyra started to blush. "We... Watched a movie. And fell asleep." She was fidgeting with her own fingers.

Link could tell that Lyra wasn't being honest on that last part. "I'm going to kill him."

Zelda nudged her elbow on Link's side. "They have been in a relationship for a while now! And Lyra is a young adult, so she can do whatever she pleases."

Link started to pout. "Even if she's a young adult, she's always going to be my little girl."

Zelda softly smiled. "I understand how you feel, Link. But I do not wish to smother her. I know how it's like, and I didn't want to wish that upon her."

Link knew exactly what Zelda meant by that. That time when she was still a princess, she was completely smothered. He could see from her perspective. "I know, I know. I just need to come to the reality that our child isn't a child anymore."

"Exactly. When Lyra grows up some more and gets married and has children of her own, she will take my place as queen."

Link looked like he was about to get emotional. "Don't even talk about that kind of thing! I'm definitely not ready for that!"

Zelda giggled. "Too soon?"

"Way too soon! I don't want to be a young grandpa!"

"Mother, father..." Lyra mumbled, a blush on her face. "You do realize that I heard everything that you said?"

Link grabbed a hold of Lyra's hands. "Please tell me you don't plan to have children of your own soon!"

Lyra vigorously shook her head. "No! I want to live my life before taking on that responsibility! And besides, Hayate and I have been taking things slow. He doesn't want children anytime soon either."

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