Chapter 10

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The blue light made them appear in front of the castle. They rushed inside to try to find Zelda, only to see a group of knights heading towards them.

The captain of the knights spoke up. "Princess Lyra! Prince Hayate! There you are! We've been looking everywhere for you!"

Lyra arched an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"When the other party arrived at the destination, they informed us that you two never showed up so we thought of the worse."

Lyra averted her gaze. "Yeah... That's why we came here to inform my mother about what happened. We might have found a clue, so..."

"You have?! You know where his majesty is?!"

"Not exactly, but I think it's something that will definitely help us find him."

Hayate nodded. "She's right. Do you know where Queen Zelda is?"

The captain spoke up. "Y-Yes! One of my men can escort you two to her majesty." He turned towards one of the knights. "You there! Escort the princess and prince to the queen!"

One of the knights spoke up in a somewhat nervous way. "Y-Yes sir!" He turned to Lyra and Hayate. "Please follow me. I will take you to the queen." He started walking away with them following behind. Thanks to the news Lyra shared, it would spread fast to all of Hyrule.

The knight knocked and opened the door as he quickly left. Lyra and Hayate entered the room, seeing Zelda with her back turned. Lyra bit her lip. "I'm back, mother."

Zelda turned around with a small smile. "Welcome back." She let out a sigh of relief. "Thank the gods you're safe. When I heard the news that the two of you never showed up, my mind thought of the worse."

Lyra shook her head. "Hayate and I weren't in any kind of trouble. You might think I'm crazy for saying what I'm about to say."

Zelda arched an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?"

"Well..." Lyra looked up, twiddling her fingers. "We kind of ended up in another world..."

Zelda's eyes widen. "Another world?"

"The Twilight Realm." Hayate cut in. "That giant black hole in the sky is connected to this other world called the Twilight Realm. It's this really dark and dreary place, way different than our world."

"The Twilight Realm..?" Zelda just blinked. "Why does that sound so familiar?"

Zelda heard a giggle out of nowhere. "Perhaps it's memories from your previous life."

Zelda grunted at the sudden voice. "What was that?" She saw something coming out of her daughter's shadow. She was now face to face with Midna. Zelda's eyes widen at the sight, not believing what she was seeing. "Who is this?!"

Midna let out a laugh. "I expected you not to recognize me, Princess- Or should I say, Queen Zelda."

"How do you know who I am?"

"Everyone knows who you are. Don't act so surprised."

Zelda blinked at this mysterious shadow that appeared before her. "Who are you exactly?"

Midna let out another laugh. "Might as well introduce myself since you really don't recognize me. I'm Midna."

"Midna..?" Zelda paused for a moment, looking like she was out of it until she began to stumble backwards.

"Mother!" Lyra rushed over to Zelda, catching her before she fell. "What's wrong?"

Zelda placed her hand on her own head. "That's strange... I just had some kind of memory flash in my head. But the odd thing is... I don't remember that happening."

Light in the Storm - A Breath of the Wild FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now