Chapter 26

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The Triforce on the back of Lyra's hand disappeared. Ganondorf stared at her suspiciously, seeing her wear such a familiar attire. "Who are you supposed to be? And why do you have that power?"

Lyra stared Ganondorf down, not showing any ounce of fear. "I am King Link and Queen Zelda's daughter, Princess Lyra. I would say it's nice to meet you, but it's very unpleasant to see the sworn enemy of my parents."

Remembering that Link mentioned he had a child back then when he trapped Link, a smirk appeared on Ganondorf's face. "So you're the child he mentioned. I still find it so sweet that you're the product of their love."

Lyra tightened the grip on her sword. "Quit mocking my parents. I bet the reason why you want so much power is because on the inside... You know that you're actually weak."

Ganondorf's expression dropped. "What do you mean by that?"

"All your life, all you wanted to do is seek power. You want to feel like you're superior to everyone. So you work your way through the higher ups, and at their most vulnerable, you overthrow them. Am I right? Is that why you seek out power so much?"

Silent for a moment, Ganondorf started to chuckle lowly. "Because that is all I want in life. When I think I have it all, your parents would somehow stop me. I took over Hyrule once, I can always do it again! But this time... Link and Zelda won't make it out alive!" He paused for a moment. "And same goes for you as well, Princess."

Standing up on his feet, Link stood in front of Lyra protectively. "I won't let you lay a finger on her." He turned towards Lyra with a troubled expression. "Lyra... I don't want you to get hurt..."

Knowing what he was about to say, Lyra stopped him, raising her hand in dismissal. "I'm sorry, father. But I'm staying here to fight. I didn't come out to go right back inside."

Ganondorf smirked. "Whatever choice you make whether you fight or flight, I won't let you slip away that easily. You have what I want, and even if it kills you... I will take back what's mine."

Zelda went over to Link and Lyra. "You guys... I think I may have a plan, but it involves right timing."

Link arched an eyebrow. "What are you trying to say, Zelda?"

"For now, you just have to follow my lead. We fight together." Zelda turned to Hayate. "And you as well. Your power will be very effective in this. You just have to see when his weak point opens up. And attack if you must if any enemy comes your way."

Hayate nodded. "You got it."

Lyra blinked. "Fight together? So that means..?"

"Are you sure about this?" Link asked. "He's going to aim more for her since he saw the Triforce on her hand."

"I'm aware. That's why we will help protect her." Zelda smiled. "Together."

Link now knew what Zelda meant, smiling back while nodding. "We gotta protect our world after all."

"I really hate to break this heartwarming family moment..." Hayate said. "But they're heading straight for us now."

Looking straight ahead of them, they saw the evil versions of themselves and Zant heading their way. Being on their guard, the family of three were ready to battle.

Zelda turned to Hayate once more. "I'm counting on you, Hayate."

Hayate took out his sword, still in his fairy form. "I won't let you down. I'll take care of this fashion disaster real quick." Knowing that he wasn't supposed to hurt Dark Link and Possessed Zelda, he rushed passed them, heading straight for Zant.

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