Chapter 5

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   Six years has passed since then. Link still hasn't returned. All this time, Zelda worked tirelessly to try to find her husband no matter how long it took.

   All of the regions of Hyrule were also trying their best to find Link. After all he has done for them, they wished to save their savior this time. Even though every corner has been searched, there wasn't even a hint of where Link could be.

   A young girl with long chestnut hair with sea blue eyes was walking down the hallway while dragging a doll. A group of knights ran past her, seeming like it was the daily routine.

   Peeking around the corner, she saw Zelda talking with another group of knights, seeming like she was talking about some sort of plan. The girl's eyes wavered, wishing that her mom paid more attention to her, but she understood that she was just trying to find her father.

   The girl has never even seen her father, not even a picture of him. Every time she would ask her mother about him, the subject would change. It really broke her inside. She really wanted to see her father, and hoped that was still alive.

   When it looked like Zelda wasn't busy, the little girl walked up to her. "Mother... Are you going to find father soon..?"

   Zelda looked at the girl with sad eyes, kneeling down to her level. "I have a feeling that we will find him soon, Lyra."

   "You do?"

   "Yes. I'm confident that your father is still alive, somewhere out there. We mustn't give up."

   Lyra's eyes wavered. "Mother... Can you please tell me what father was like? I don't know anything about him."

   Zelda's expression dropped. She knew deep down that she was always changing the subject. It just hurt to talk about him. But at the same time, she knew that she had to tell her daughter about him at some point.

   Zelda let out a sigh. "I'm sorry that I don't talk about your father, Lyra. He's truly amazing... He saved everyone in Hyrule. He saved me. Your father is truly a hero."

   Lyra just blinked. "A hero?"

   Zelda nodded. "Yes." She paused for a moment, looking closely at her daughter. "And you're the splitting image of him. Hair color and everything."

   "I have the same hair color as father?"

   "You do. I wouldn't be surprised if you somehow knew how to fight like him one day." Zelda wanted to teach her daughter to learn how to defend herself since she knew how it felt to be a sheltered princess. She didn't want that for Lyra.

   "Me? Fight?"

   "Yes, Lyra. You are the princess of Hyrule. You must know how to defend your homeland. I promise I'll teach you all I can."

   Lyra saw this as an opportunity to spend a lot of time with her mother. She nodded in response. "I'll start anytime, mother!"

Zelda smiled. "Good to hear. Though you won't start right away. I want you to be a child just a little while longer. Trust me, you don't want to grow up too fast."

Feeling her mother placing a hand on her head, Lyra looked at her confused. "Why? What's so bad about being a grown up?"

Zelda lowered her eyes. "It changes you, in more ways than one. You would never expect to go through them, but you do. I'm not trying to shelter you since you will have to go through trying times eventually, but for now... You should continue being a child."

Lyra saw the sadness in her mother's eyes. The eyes were like a window, and she could see a glimpse of why her mother looked so sad. "For you mother, I will be a child just a little bit longer. But you have to promise me that you will teach me how to fight, ok?"

Zelda nodded. "I will. I may not be the best teacher. Your father would've been so much better."

"Nonsense, mother! If you'll teach me the basics, I'm sure I'll catch on!"

The way Lyra looked right now reminded Zelda so much of Link. She wouldn't been too surprised if she ended up fighting like her father. A smile appeared on her face. "I'm sure you will."

   A little later, Lyra was walking down the hallway, still holding her doll. She held it close to her, feeling happy that she and her mother will finally spend a lot of time together.

   At the same time, Lyra will use this training to help find her father as well. Though she had no idea what he really looked like, she wanted to meet him. Deep down, she really and truly wanted to see him.

   Lyra looked down at the doll in her hands. "I'll be the one to find father. And I don't want to see mother looking sad anymore..." The last sentence made her start tearing up.

   Lyra knew that Zelda was always strong in front of her since she didn't want to worry her. But more on several occasions, Lyra had spied on her mother who was alone in her room. She had witnessed her mother sobbing in her room at night, claiming that she missed her father so much.

   A tear ran down her face as Lyra wiped it away with her sleeve. She shouldn't be crying, she should be helping. Her father has been missing since she was born. Who knows what's been happening to him since then.

   Lyra had a determined expression on her face as she continued to walk down the empty grand hall. She was Hyrule's princess, the daughter of Queen Zelda and King Link.

   Link. Lyra knew his name. She had heard it from Zelda once a while back. She couldn't believe she let her father's name slip from her. But she was never going to forget again. His name was the first step in finding him.

   Even though Lyra promised her mother that she will remain a child for a little longer, she wanted to learn how to fight ahead of schedule. She was not afraid of growing up. She was not afraid.

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