Chapter 22

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   It's been almost a week since Link's recovery. Getting the right amount of rest and food really helped him recover faster thanks to Zelda and Lyra. Hayate had gone back to Zora's Domain to tell his parents about everything that has happened, but he will be back eventually.

   Link got up from the bed, feeling a bit wobbly on his legs. Seeing that, Lyra rushed to his side as she caught his fall. "Are you alright, father?"

   Link nervously laughed. "It's been a while since I used my legs on my own."

   "I know." Lyra helped Link stand up straight. Slowly, she released his grip on him. He wasn't wobbly anymore, putting a smile on her face. "You look much better."

   "I feel much better!" Link placed a hand on his daughter's head. "Thanks for help taking care of me."

   Lyra slightly blushed, shaking her head. "Mother did most of the work."

   Link let out a laugh. "You did a lot of work. Give yourself more credit, kid."

   Lyra softly smiled. "You're right..."

   The door opened, revealing it to be Zelda. She grunted, seeing Link on his own two feet. "You're standing." Her eyes wavered at the sight, a relieved smile on her face. "Thank goodness... You look much better."

   Link gave Zelda a smile while walking towards her. He leaned towards her, giving her a kiss. "You're looking beautiful as ever, Zelda."

   A blush appeared on Zelda's face, pushing a section of her hair behind her ear shyly. "Link... Lyra's watching us."

   "But she hasn't seen her parents like this before. I bet she's overjoyed." Link turned towards his daughter, seeing her look away all flustered. Link blinked at the sight and started busting out laughing. "I guess it's too much for her, huh?"

   Lyra shook her head vigorously. "No, no! It's not that!" She put her hands behind her back, moving her body in an antsy way. "It's... Nice to see the two of you show your love for each other. It makes me really happy."

   Link started walking towards Lyra, wrapping his arm around her. "I did promise you once I recovered that I will spend some time with you."

   Lyra smiled and nodded. "Yes!"

   Link turned to Zelda. "You don't mind if I spend quality time with our daughter, right Zelda?"

   Zelda couldn't help but smile. "Of course I don't mind. I do have some business to take care of, but I will bring the two of you lunch later."

   Link smiled brightly at the mention of food. "I'm so looking forward to lunch!"

   Zelda let out a giggle. "You two have fun. I'll see you later." She walked out the door, closing it behind her.

   Lyra looked up at Link. "Father, I have something to give you, but it's in my room."

   "Is it a surprise?"

   "Something like that."

   Inside of Lyra's room, she opened a drawer that was connected under her bed. She had the green tunic and hat neatly folded. She also grabbed the Master Sword that was leaning against the wall nearby. "These belong to you."

   Link received his old clothes and sword back. A smile appeared on his face. "I saw you wearing these. They look great on you."

   "You think so?"

   Link nodded. "Yeah. You can keep the clothes if you want to."

   "Are you sure? Aren't these clothes valuable?"

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