Chapter 19

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Warping to the castle, Lyra was holding onto a limp Link. She turned over to Hayate. "Get my mother!" Hayate nodded as he rushed into the castle.

Slowly and carefully, Lyra was walking Link into the castle. "Don't worry, father. You will be ok."

Link weakly smiled. "Thank you, Lyra..."

Some of the knights saw Lyra helping Link walk with shocked expressions. "The king is back! We must inform the queen at once!"

"No need! She's already heard the news!" The knights, Link, and Lyra turned to the voice to see Hayate with Zelda.

Zelda's eyes wavered at the sight of Link. Putting her hands to her mouth, tears started rolling down her face. "Oh my goodness... Link..."

Link looked up, giving her a weak smile. "I'm back."

Unable to stay still any longer, Zelda ran towards Link, embracing him tightly. "I missed you so much!"

Link returned the embrace. "I missed you too, Zelda." Zelda sobbed onto his shoulder, holding him for a while longer.

Lyra smiled at the sight of her parents. She felt so happy and proud of herself. She managed to bring her father back home. Wiping a tear from the corner of her eye, she continued to stare at her parents embracing.

Hayate walked over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I understand how you're feeling right now."

Lyra nodded. "I know. I just so overjoyed..."

Link almost fell to the ground as Zelda caught him on time. Worry appeared on her face. "Let me help you get to the room to rest. You look very pale."

Link nodded. "That would be very helpful."

Zelda was lending Link her shoulder as the two started walking down the hallway. Lyra stared at their backs, her heart overfilling with joy.

Hayate's device started to ring in his pocket. "I gotta take this. Go ahead and be with your parents." He took out the device from his pocket as he walked away, taking the call.

Lyra looked down to the ground, her feet moving on their own as she was now following her parents.

Inside her parents' bedroom, Link was underneath the covers with a wet cloth on his forehead. Zelda was taking his temperature, looking even more worried. "It's still not going down. But you've already taken medicine, so we have to wait about five more hours."

Even though Link felt terrible physically, he couldn't help but smile. "How cute. My wife is taking such good care of me."

Zelda knew that Link was just teasing her, a blush appearing on her face. "Must you do this right now..?"

Lyra giggled at her parents' interaction. "Do you need anything, father? A snack? Tea? A change of clothes?"

Link turned over to Lyra. "Tea sounds nice right now. A change of clothes sounds much nicer too."

"I'll take care of his clothes." Zelda said. "Lyra, please go get some tea for your father."

Lyra nodded. "Yes, mother. I'll be right back." She began to walk towards the door, closing it behind her. Letting out a sigh, Lyra made her way down the hallway, heading her way towards the kitchen.

On her way back, Lyra was carrying a tray that contained a kettle and a tea cup. As she was making her way back to the room, she saw Hayate walking her way while talking on the device.

"I already told you, Mikoto! I couldn't take you with me, because it was a dangerous mission! Not another journey! If you'll just-" It seemed like he was getting interrupted as he let out a sigh. "Ok, ok. Next time I'll take you with me. I have to go. Bye."

Lyra gave him an awkward smile. "Was that your little sister?"

Hayate dramatically groaned. "Yeah... She gave me an earful about not me taking her on this mission. I've been trying to explain it to her, but she was like you promised, big brother!"

Lyra giggled. "It seems like you can't win against her."

"No... She's too cute." Hayate chuckled. "She asked how you were doing, Lyra. She also says hi."

"Next time you speak with her, tell her I said hello back."

"I will. My little sister likes you so much, and says to visit sometime to play with her."

"I will drop by sometime."

"Good to hear. I'll even be your escort." Hayate looked down to the tray Lyra was holding. "Is that for Link?"

Lyra nodded. "Yeah, he wanted some tea. I was walking back to the room just now."

"Oh shoot. Sorry for keeping you. Let's go together if you don't mind."

"Sure, my father would like to see you." Lyra started walking towards the room with Hayate following behind. She was also trying to be careful holding the tray as it was heavier than it looked.

Knocking on the door, Hayate opened the door with Lyra being the first to step in. "Mother, father. I'm back. Hayate is with me too." Hayate closed the door behind him as he followed Lyra towards her parents. Lyra noticed something different with Link, and it wasn't just the clothes. "Father, did you shave your beard?"

Link nodded and smiled brightly. "I sure did! Well... Your mother helped me with that."

Link still had his long hair, but it was obvious that it was trimmed a bit to make it look neat. Hayate's eyes sparkled at the sight, looking like he was thinking about something. "If you kept the beard, trimming it just a bit... You would've looked just like Jason Momoa! That guy is a dreamboat!"

Lyra arched an eyebrow. Once she thought about it, she then had a glimpse of what Hayate was thinking about. "I could see that."

"Right?!" Hayate was observing Link more. "You just gotta build up those muscles again after years of atrophy."

Link started to laugh at Hayate's comment. "You really haven't changed a bit. I'm glad to see that."

"Aw Link! That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard you say to me!"

"Just don't get used to it." Link saw Hayate's expression drop, making him laugh once more. "The look on your face is priceless!"

Zelda smiled at the sight. "Despite his fever, Link has been recovering quite nicely."

"That's good to hear." Lyra said as she set the tray down at the side table near the bed. She began to pour tea in the cup, steam rising up in the air. "Here you go, father."

Link took the teacup, taking his first sip. "Thanks, Lyra. You're a real life saver."

Lyra gave her father a smile. "It's my pleasure."

Zelda smiled at the sight as her smile soon disappeared. "I've been meaning to ask..." She looked up to Link. "What happened to you all these years?"

The room was silent, their expressions filled with curiosity and anticipation. Link saw their expressions, lowering his eyes to the covers. "It was difficult, I'll give you that..." It looked like he was struggling to tell them the entire story of what happened to him in the Twilight Realm for sixteen years. "I will tell you all that happened."

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