Chapter 8

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Lyra couldn't believe what she was seeing. Hayate slowly stood back up, eyeing this mysterious person. "You know... You can always just introduce yourself instead of laughing at us."

The mysterious person looked rather small, and it seemed like she was floating. Her body was black and white with a hint of turquoise. They weren't sure if it was her hair, but it was yellowish orange and it seemed like she was wearing some kind of mask that covered one eye.

The mysterious person laughed once more. "I don't need to tell you who I am, strange boy."

"Strange boy?! You're the one to talk, you floating freak!"

"Hayate, don't say such things." Lyra said. She turned towards the mysterious person. "My name is Lyra. And who might you be?"

"Since you asked so nicely unlike your friend here, my name is Midna. That's all I will tell you."

"Tell me, Midna. Where are we?"

Midna let out a laugh. "You're in the Twilight Realm. It's a nice place, isn't it?" Lyra didn't know how to respond to that. Midna observed Lyra from head to toe, looking like she was remembering something. "You look oddly familiar."

Lyra blinked. "I do? But I've never met you until now."

"Tell me... Do you know someone by the name Link?"

Lyra grunted at the name. "How do you know my father's name?"

Midna looked intrigued by her answer. "I see... He has a child now."

"How do you know him?"

"Let's just say... Your daddy from another timeline helped me out quite a lot. I doubt this Link would recognize me."

Lyra raised an eyebrow. "Another timeline?"

Hayate shook his head vigorously. "Oh no. I'm not going to get into that again."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Uh... Nothing."

"So..." Midna said. "If Link is your father, does your mother happen to be Zelda?"

Lyra nodded. "Yes. So now I'm the princess of Hyrule."

"Interesting... Very interesting. Who knew that they would end up together."

"Yeah..." Lyra paused for a moment. "Anyway, can you help us get back to our world?"

"I could help you, but first... You need to help me with a favor."

"Are you serious right now?!" Hayate exclaimed. "We're trying to find Link! He's been missing for 16 years!"

"Link is missing?" Midna was thinking to herself.

Lyra nodded. "Yes, we're trying to find more clues of where he might be. I don't know what your favor is, but I need to find my father right away."

"Well... I was going to ask the two of you to be my extra muscle in obtaining the Triforce of Power. Ever since Ganondorf, in your case, Calamity Ganon was defeated, that piece of Triforce has no owner. I saw it in one of the Twili buildings nearby. But I can't do it alone in case I run into enemies, so I was trying to find someone to help me out with that. And it looks like it's my lucky day."

"Now hold on just a minute." Hayate said. "That stuff is not to be messed with. We don't know if you're just trying to use us to get it for your own evil intentions."

"I'm not, boy. I simply just want to protect it in case some other person who wants to use the Triforce for evil obtains it. I'm actually doing you and all of Hyrule a favor here."

"We're kind of in a hurry."

"About Link? Or perhaps you want to go back to your girlfriend, you pretty boy."

Hayate looked distraught about Midna's comment. "Don't remind of my recent breakup please..."

Lyra grunted. "You and Mizuki broke up?" His ex was his mother's representative's daughter.

Hayate started scratching the back of his head. "Yeah... Her and I were hitting it off pretty well for a while. She even called me her Prince Charming, and wanted to get married to me. But she ended up finding someone else instead."

Lyra squeezed her lips. "I'm so sorry about that."

"It's all good. All I can say is thank you next."

"What does that mean?"

"I'll tell you another time." Hayate turned towards Midna. "Alright. We'll do this favor of yours. But you better help us get back to our world, you hear me?"

Midna started to laugh. "How considerate of you. Don't worry, I will help you two go back where you came from after you help me."

Lyra gave Midna a smile. "Thank you so much."

"No problem, Princess." Midna responded in a teasing way. "If you go straight that way, you'll reach the building in no time. Well, see you later!" With that, she disappeared from their sight.

Hayate blinked at what just happened. "Is she not going to be with us while we do her little favor?"

"I guess not. But she's counting on us, so let's get going." Lyra began to walk straight ahead with Hayate following. The sooner they find it, the sooner they can get out of here.

The duo walked further in the Twilight Realm, seeing the buildings covered in twilight. It was such a dreary sight to see. Hayate looked confused on where to go. "She said it would be in one of these buildings, but which one exactly?"

All of a sudden, something came out from Lyra's shadow. "Must I tell you everything?"

Hayate's eyes widen at the sight. "Where in Zora's name did you come from?!"

Midna let out a laugh. "I was in her shadow. You didn't think I just left, did you?"

Hayate sweatdropped, averting his gaze. "Uh... No?"

"Anyway... I'm sensing that the Triforce of Power is in that building right over there." Midna pointed out.

The two saw where Midna was pointing, seeing an ordinary building that blended into the scenery. Lyra blinked at the sight. "No one would ever suspect that a piece of the Triforce is in there. Thank you, Midna."

"No problem. Call me when you're really stuck." Midna started laughing as she disappeared in Lyra's shadow.

Hayate looked a bit weirded out. "I don't know how to feel about that."

"I don't feel strange with someone hiding in my shadow. But anyway, let's head over there."

Walking side by side, Lyra and Hayate stopped in front of the building where the Triforce of Power was. Lyra cracked opened the door, seeing that it was pitch black inside.

Hayate was looking around as his expression brighten. "Wait here! I'll be right here!" He ran off somewhere nearby, coming right back with a lantern.

Lyra gave him a smile. "Good thinking, Hayate. Lucky for us that we found some light in this dark place."

Hayate chuckled humorously. "You could say it's the light in the storm."

Lyra arched an eyebrow at him. "Ok? Well, you can hold the lantern and I'll lead. Sound good?"

"I'll follow you to the depths of the world, Princess."

Lyra sweatdropped, not believing this guy was flirting at a time like this. "Right... Let's go." She entered the dark building with Hayate following behind.

The lantern brightened up the room, making it easier for them to see where they were going. The Triforce of Power was in here somewhere, and they wouldn't come out until they find it.

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