always gonna be your big bro.

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lauren's pov

I woke up and sat in my bed remembering the events that unfolded in my bedroom. I looked down and decided to be the bigger person and apologize. I grabbed my phone from the charging dock and called my brother.

"Owen?" I asked. "Are you awake?"
"Yeah. I am." He said sounding disappointed.
"Listen. I'm sorry for the way I acted last night. I know you're just looking out for me. I just need you to understand that I'm not the little girl you know anymore. I've grown up and I've had boyfriends before. I know how to handle myself." I told him honestly.
"I understand. It's just, it was the first time I had seen you in a while. I wasn't expecting you to fall for your dance partner the first day you were back." He explained to me.
"Trust me. I wasn't either." I laughed.
"Listen, Lauren. I know I might be an annoying, overprotective brother sometimes, but trust me I'm doing it for the right reasons. At least, right in my head." He said.
"I know. One day, you are going to protect me from something. But, as for now, I need to learn how to protect myself. It can't always be like this. We can't always get into arguments when I like someone. It's not like I get into arguments with you when you like someone." I said joking into the phone.
"That's because you're my baby sister. And I'm always gonna be your big bro." He told me.
"Alright. Well, I have to get ready. Me, Lanie, and Milo have to go to camera blocks. I'll call you later. Do you wanna get dinner? We can have a sibling bonding night?" I asked him.
"I'd like that. I'll text you the address of my place. Come over after your camera blocks okay sis?"  
"Will do. Love you O." I said into the phone.
"Love you Lo." He said as he hung up the phone. I put my phone back on the charging dock and began to get ready.

lanie's pov

I ripped my arm out of the comforter to try and find my phone to turn off my stupid alarm. When I turned it off, I turned to Milo shaking him awake. "Babe. We gotta get ready or else we're gonna be late." I told him.
"5 more minutes." He said pulling the pillow over his face.
"Milo, seriously. We gotta get ready. I wish I could give you 5 more minutes but I really can't." I told him sadly.
"Alright, I'm getting up." He said taking the pillow off of his face still adjusting to the light. I got up from my bed and walked to the bathroom sink and brushed my teeth. As I was brushing my teeth, I saw this zombie looking creature behind me. "I wanna sleep." He said pouting.
"Sleep is for the weak." I said while brushing my teeth.
"Can I get a kiss? That will wake me up." He tried.
"Not until you brush your teeth my dear prince." I said patting his cheek while I walked to my closet. I picked out some jeans and one of Milo's sweatshirts because it's law for a girlfriend to steal their boyfriend's sweatshirts. I shut the closet door and changed quickly trying to prevent a flash for Milo. I put a belt around my waist and picked out a purse for the day and walked out of my closet. When I walked out, Milo was ready and on his phone. "That wasn't so hard, was it?" I asked joking around. I dropped my purse on the bed and sat next to him.
"I think I was promised a kiss?" He said tapping his lips. I leaned in and as soon as I was about to kiss him and I took a detour and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Lanie... I need a proper kiss." He said pouting.
"Maybe later." I said checking my watch. "Shit we gotta go." I got up and ran downstairs to see Lauren putting her shoes on.
"You ready Lan? Where's Milo?" She asked me.
"He's coming." I said to her. "Did you and Owen make up?" I asked seriously.
"Yeah. I'm gonna spend the night at his place. We're gonna have some sibling bonding time." She informed me.
"Aw, I'm gonna miss you." I pouted.
"You'll be fine anyways you have lover boy over there to keep you company." She said pointing at Milo sliding down the stair case on his butt. I palmed my face and asked,
"Milo, what in the hell are you doing?"
"Did you never do that as a kid??" He asked with a huge smile on his face.
"I did. But I am an adult now. Put your shoes on so we can go." I said laughing at him. I threw the car keys at Milo as I got into the passengers side and Lauren got in the back seat. I got out of the car and hugged Milo goodbye as I walked to the other lounge area. I sat on the couch when Tom came in.
"Hi Lanie! Are you excited for tonight?" He asked me.
"I am! I'm really excited for the show and the performance. Plus it's my friend Lauren's first official performance as a troupe member and she'll be dancing to my song which is super cool." I explained to him.
"That's great. I'll see you tonight!" He said walking into the offices. I sat down and scrolled through my phone and decided to go into the practice rooms. I decided I'd practice a little before camera blocks to prevent myself from embarrassment on live television. I put my purse on the couch and plugged my phone into the stereo system. I played the song and began to sing.

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