Chapter Five || Sweet dreams

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"I lose myself in you

yet, become more of who

I need to be."

- Komal Kapoor

"License compliance amongst the GCPD remains high," Mr

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"License compliance amongst the GCPD remains high," Mr. Penn told Oswald Cobblepot. "The program is an unmitigated success".

Charlotte felt very proud of her friend, even though he didn't seem very excited about the news. "Numbers, Mr. Penn," Oswald mumbled with a frown.

"Very good numbers, Oswald," Charlotte tried to lift his spirits, but it didn't seem to be working.

"A... According to my tabulations, eighty-six percent of crime is accounted for under Pax Penguina," Penn told with a hesitant smile, hoping those numbers would be good enough for his boss.

However, Oswald glared at him in return. "Which means that fourteen percent of crime happens outside of my licensing system!"

"Uh, the numbers are very good, Mr. Cobblepot," Penn tried to reason with him, but Oswald obviously didn't want to listen and leaned back on his chair with a moody expression on his face.

Charlotte stepped forward while checking out the magazine of her gun to make sure it was fully loaded. "Don't worry, Oswald. I'll take care of those fourteen percent for you".

Oswald looked at her and nodded. "Take Firefly with you. I want examples made!"

Charlotte liked Firefly and thought she did a great job with that flamethrower of hers, but the blonde was hoping she could take someone else. "I was hoping I could take Victor with me for this job. A few frozen gangsters may give the perfect example for the rest to pledge their loyalty to you".

"I know you would obviously prefer that, but a few scorched idiots work just as well," Oswald glared at me and waved his hand dismissively. "Now go and take Firefly".

"Yes, that might help," a woman's voice suddenly said from the door of Oswald's office. Charlotte, Mr. Penn, and Oswald looked to see Sofia Falcone walk in. "But, then, if scorching a few idiots was all it took, anyone could rule Gotham". Sofia looked at Charlotte and raised an eyebrow. "I don't think to freeze them will help either".

Charlotte smiled fakely at the woman. "You would be surprised".

"Thank you for your insight, Miss Falcone," Oswald intervened. "I don't recall summoning you".

"I came to see if you had lunch plans tomorrow," Sofia said, making Charlotte wonder what her plans were. Mr. Penn also looked at Oswald expectantly.

Oswald stood up from his chair with a raised eyebrow and walked to stand in front of Sofia. "An invitation? After I killed your father's last remaining loyalists? Perhaps you overestimate the pleasure of your company".

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