Chapter Seven || A day in the Narrows

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"Fight because you don't know how to die quietly".

On the next day, Oswald entered the GCPD followed by Charlotte and a new guy known as Headhunter, who had been recommended by Victor Zsasz himself

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On the next day, Oswald entered the GCPD followed by Charlotte and a new guy known as Headhunter, who had been recommended by Victor Zsasz himself. Oswald thought Headhunter was weird, but if he did whatever he asked for, it was all right by him. Charlotte, however, he knew he could trust, but she had been very quiet in the last couple of days. She would still do whatever he asked her to do, so he didn't really care. He was sure she was like that because of Mr. Freeze leaving.

But things weren't exactly as the Penguin thought they were. Sure Charlotte was sad because of Victor Fries leaving, but she was also sad because of how Oswald had been treating her. She was still his best friend and that was why she couldn't leave.

"James! I am so happy we are working hand in hand to rid the city of this menace," Oswald exclaimed when Jim joined him, Bullock, Charlotte, and Headhunter.

"He just showed up to, uh, offer his help," Harvey explained.

"Did he?" Jim asked his partner and Harvey avoided eye contact with him. Charlotte could see that Jim had probably figured out Harvey Bullock received money from Oswald and that was causing great tension between them.

Headhunter stepped forward with a hand extended for Jim to shake. "Nice to meet you, Jim. I'm Headhunter. I'm sure you heard of me".

Jim narrowed his eyes at the hitman and didn't make a move to shake his hand. Oswald hurried himself to explain who Headhunter was. "My new security consultant. Recommended by Victor, who is off visiting his bubbie".

"You want to know why I carry two pistols?" Headhunter asked Jim. Oswald rolled his eyes and Charlotte sighed.

"Here we go again," the blonde muttered to herself as she turned her head to the side. Headhunter repeated that same question to everyone he met.

"Overcompensation?" Jim asked with an annoyed tone and it caused Charlotte to smirk besides Headhunter.

The dark-skinned man, who had a small white skull tattoed on his right cheekbone, chuckled at Jim's remark. "See, I always shoot twice. The first one does the job. Every time. But the second one, well that's just my signature". He rolled his two guns in his hands and smiled at everyone.

Jim turned to Harvey with a sigh. "He has a signature".

"Colorful, isn't he?" Oswald asked as he eyed the hitman. "But effective. Mr. Headhunter, Charlotte, and my men will help the GCPD until this Pyg situation is resolved".

"We don't want your help, Charlotte's or that of your idiot hitman," Jim told bitterly.

The blonde woman stepped forward with a smile on her lips. "You do need our help, Jim. Didn't I just saw forty-four boxes dripping blood with pig's heads inside? Weird, everyone at the GCPD received one, except for you".

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