Chapter Twenty-One || What we've got planned

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"Your madness has its way of keeping us together".

Two security guards walked down the hallway of Wayne Chemical Labs

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Two security guards walked down the hallway of Wayne Chemical Labs. It was just another day of work and they were bored out of their minds. Suddenly the lights started flickering and something behind them started beeping. They turned around and saw a strange black and gray ball rolling towards them while a blue light blinked.

"What the hell is that?" One of the men asked confused. They walked closer to the ball to inspect it closely just as it started beeping faster.

Suddenly, it exploded and they were thrown against opposite sides of the wall while ice kept them trapped.

Charlotte, Mr. Freeze, and the Scarecrow emerged from around the corner. Charlotte walked ahead of the two men while attaching a suppressor to her gun. They still needed to take out the rest of the guards silently. Just as she finished, a guard appeared on the hallway and was going to pull out his gun, but Charlotte was fast and shot him first. It got him on the shoulder, so he would survive.

Crane and Victor walked side by side behind her and Victor kept sending glares at the Scarecrow, who paid him no mind.

"Go away," Victor whispered at Crane, so Charlotte wouldn't hear.

Jonathan Crane looked at Victor with a disinterested look in his eyes. "What?"

"Go away," Victor repeated. "Charlotte and I can take care of this by ourselves".

Crane chuckled and shook his head. "I'm not going anywhere".

At that moment, the two heard a shot go off and looked to see Charlotte had shot yet another guard. Victor smiled slightly at her and then turned to glare at Crane again. "Why are you here anyway?"

"Because Jerome told me to come," the Scarecrow told him with an annoyed tone in his voice.

"Yes, like you care about what Jerome tells you to do," Victor replied, also annoyed with the other villain.

"I don't," Crane told honestly. "But people will be scared of this new gas and that's all that matters. I need to be here to make sure they do it right". Crane saw the angry glare Victor was sending him and decided it was best to rile him up even more. He raised his right hand to show Victor the tube filled with his fear toxin. "Perhaps I should make Charlotte my mistress of fear. Of course for that, I would have to-"

"If you touch her, you will know what it is like to feel cold," Mr. Freeze threatened angrily.

"How scary," Crane mocked and shook his head again. "You are such a fool".

Charlotte looked over her shoulder at them after shooting two more guards, this time on the chest. "Boys, you're not fighting, are you?" She asked and then a smirk appeared on her lips. "By the way, you two are awful at whispering, especially you, Mr. Crane".

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