Chapter Six || Warnings

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"When she is quiet there is a reason. She is sorting through all the chaos in her head and all the madness in her heart."


Charlotte was preparing to go to bed one night

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Charlotte was preparing to go to bed one night. She was tired since she had been the one taking care of 'The Iceberg Lounge' all night while Oswald went out with Sofia Falcone. He had gone out with her for the past three nights and they seemed to be getting closer and closer.

"Charlotte?" Victor Fries's voice suddenly called from the doorway. She turned around to face him and smiled at the sight of him. However, he seemed sad, which caused Charlotte to stop smiling right away. "Can we talk?"

Charlotte nodded and they both sat beside each other on the bed. He seemed hesitant to start and looked down at his hands, but by the look on his face, Charlotte already knew what he was going to say. "You're leaving, aren't you?"

Victor looked up at her with the saddest look. "I wish I wouldn't have to". He took Charlotte's hands in his and smiled at her the best he could. "I want to be with you. These last six months have been the best of my life. But... But I'm not being able to reverse my condition here. Maybe if I go back to the mountains where you found me, maybe I can find an answer there".

Charlotte was silent for a while and Victor eyed her to see if she was mad at him. However, she smiled at him. Even if it was a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "I get it. I really do".

Victor stared at her and gently placed a hand on her cheek. "I will come back, I promise".

Charlotte believed he would and nodded before placing a kiss on his cheek. "Okay".

Victor felt his heart break into a million ice crystals as he pulled out the part of his suit around his head. He didn't want to go away without saying a proper goodbye to Charlotte. So he kissed her. He kissed her as he had never kissed her before. The kiss screamed how much he already missed her and she kissed him back just as passionately. That night was very important to both of them, not only to say goodbye but to say how they felt about each other. 'I love you' didn't need to be said if it could be shown.

On the next day, Victor left and Charlotte returned to work at the club. Her head wasn't exactly on the job and apparently, it would be a day exactly like the last three. Oswald was going to have lunch with Sofia on the club and wanted everything to be ready before she arrived. Charlotte was helping the barmaid check everything behind the bar while the barmaid took care of Oswald's table. Charlotte opened the door of the club to go wait outside for Sofia like Oswald ordered her to and came face to face with Jim Gordon.

"I need to talk to both of you," Jim said as he walked past Charlotte and into the club. Charlotte sighed and followed him.

"If it takes less than three minutes, I'm all ears," Oswald said as he checked the glasses for stains.

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