Chapter Fifteen || Family reunions

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"I don't want just the strong parts of love. I want the dark. The dirt. I want your surrender. Show me where your monsters live when you can't sleep at night. I put up one hell of a fight. Tell me what you hate about yourself so I can love it for you. I'll be the sun, you be the moon. Let me fuck the darkness out of you. I'll push you to embrace change. I am not an easy lover. I will push your buttons on purpose some days, but I will always bring the biggest guns to your wars. If you tell me you love me, chances are I'll spend forever proving I love you more".

- Erin Van Vuren

Charlotte, Ed, and Lee sat around a table after Ed received the information he wanted on why Sofia wanted to punish Lee

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Charlotte, Ed, and Lee sat around a table after Ed received the information he wanted on why Sofia wanted to punish Lee. Charlotte noticed he looked depressed and his hair was even more disheveled than usual.

"According to my spies, Sofia and Jim were carrying on an affair, till Jim ended it," He told Lee and she listened attentively. "So, technically, your ex has been sleeping with your dead husband's mafiosa sister".

"Okay, Ed, I get it," Lee said. She had to admit she felt disappointed to know Jim had an affair with her sister in law. The brunette stood up from her chair and started pacing in front of the table. "If Sofia was sleeping with the captain of the GCPD, it was a power play. And it failed. I'm her next step". Then Lee had an idea. "Why don't I just give her what she wants: power over Jim Gordon". Lee admitted to herself she still had feelings for Jim, but the wellbeing of the people of the Narrows was more important to her.

"You would do that?" Ed asked with raised eyebrows.

"I'm not trying to get back at Jim, though he deserves it," she replied, crossing her arms over her chest. "My job is to make sure that the people of the Narrows are safe, and I will do everything in my power to ensure that".

"Good," Charlotte said as she stood up from her seat. "She wants dirt on Jim. You have information on him that no one else does. Hopefully, that will be enough". The blonde still felt suspicious when it came to Sofia. She had ruined Oswald. What if she did the same to Jim and Lee? Charlotte realized she was more scared Sofia would end up hurting Ed in the process. The blonde knew well she would do whatever it took to ensure Ed's safety.

When Lee left the room, Ed stood up and stepped in front of Charlotte. The love of his life. He hated himself for everything he did to her. He remembered the time he tied her and Oswald to Isabella's car with a barrel full of acid above them. Then he pulled the trigger on her, grabbed her by the neck and threw her in the river.

Ed placed an arm on Charlotte's waist and leaned in for a kiss. She kissed him back just as passionately with her hands on each side of his cheeks.

"What was that for?" She asked after they pulled away from the kiss.

Ed stared at Charlotte like she was his whole world, but at the same time, he felt completely heartbroken. That would be the last time he would ever see her again. He almost cried at the thought. But he needed to protect her from the Riddler and ending his own life was the only choice.

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