Chapter Sixteen || Aliases

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"What if, you and I were meant to part ways, only so that we could find each other again?"

Charlotte was cleaning the blood from her face left when Sampson punched her over and over again

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Charlotte was cleaning the blood from her face left when Sampson punched her over and over again. The blonde left Lee, who had her hand smashed, at the hospital and returned to the club to wait for Ed. He still hadn't returned and she was worried. Had something happened to him? Had he left?

She knew she couldn't be there for much longer. It wouldn't take long for Sampson to take control of the Cherry's too.

All of a sudden, there was a voice from behind her that made her jump. "When you do not know what I am, then I am something. When you know what I am, then I am nothing. What am I?"

Charlotte turned around to face Ed, but he grabbed her by the wrists and trapped her against the wall before she could try anything. He wasn't the Ed she had been with earlier that day. He wore his black hat and had a familiar smirk on his lips. "Riddler?"

His smirk turned into a smile as soon as he heard her say his name. "In the flesh". Then his eyes eyed the small cut on her face and his smile dropped. "Who did that to you?"

"None of your business," Charlotte quickly remarked.

The Riddler let out an amused chuckle at her defensiveness. "There's no need to be afraid of me".

"I'm not afraid of you," she reminded him. "What do you want?"

"I want you," he answered close to her lips. "But I also want your help to free Oswald from Arkham".

Charlotte was confused with those words. "You? You want my help to get Oswald out of Arkham? I thought you hated us?"

"I don't hate you, Charlotte. And it was Oswald who set me free, so I kind of owe him," the Riddler explained. "But of course there can be no Riddler without his... Euphoria". Ed whispered the name close to her ear and Charlotte raised her eyebrows questioningly at the name. "Remember when we set Jim up and you wrote 'Feel the euphoria yet?' on the paintings by Gérard Marché and Henri LaRue? I think it's a great alias. I can already see the headlines. 'Euphoria and the Riddler strike'". He let out another one of his laughs just at the thought of him and Charlotte committing crimes together like they were always meant to.

Charlotte looked away thoughtfully. The idea actually appealed to her. The Riddler noticed the hesitation and thought that perhaps she needed a little more convincing. He leaned down to place a kiss on the soft spot of her neck. He knew where all of her soft spots were and he smiled when he heard the moan that escaped her mouth. The first of many he hoped to hear from her that night.

"We shouldn't do this," Charlotte told him and closed her eyes, trying hard not to moan as the Riddler sucked on the crook of her neck. "Lee is in the hospital".

Ed hummed disinterestedly and spoke the next words in between kisses. "She's gonna be fine".

Charlotte wanted to pull him away and at the same time pull him closer. However, she couldn't do any of the two since he was holding her wrists. "We need to get Oswald out of Arkham".

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