Chapter Twenty-Four || There are no heroes here

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"She's a maze

With no escape."

The day after Charlotte escaped from the GCPD with the help of her the Riddler, things turned out for the worst extremely fast

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The day after Charlotte escaped from the GCPD with the help of her the Riddler, things turned out for the worst extremely fast. Turns out it had been Jeremiah Valeska, the twin brother of Jerome, who had caused the explosion. Jim Gordon was said to be missing and the GCPD never stopped looking for their Captain. However, he had been found and taken to the Cherry's club.

Lee made sure he was all right and when he woke up, he told her of Jeremiah's plans to bring down the city. He had bombs hidden all over Gotham and gave the police six hours to evacuate the city. Lee decided she should help and Ed eyed her incredulously, but Charlotte knew very well the reasons why Lee wanted to help Jim. Her feelings for him were obvious despite how much she tried to deny them.

"You want to help Jim Gordon? Have you lost your mind?" Ed exclaimed at Lee.

"You brought him here because you thought it would give us leverage with the GCPD," Lee reminded.

"Yes. By holding him hostage," Ed explained to her.

While the two argued back and forth, Charlotte observed the plans Lee had placed on top of the table. It looked like a maze and there were some red rectangles on it, except one of the sides was missing and there was a red dot in its place. She started making up theories as to why the maze was done that way. What did the red rectangles mean? Charlotte drew the maze on another piece of paper, so she wouldn't ruin the original in case her theory was wrong.

"What happened between Jim and I is over," Lee told Ed, but he knew that was a lie. "I'm trying to protect what we've built".

"I still like my plan better," he replied, causing Lee to sigh.

"Ed, if this maniac levels half the city, it's gonna disrupt food distribution, water supply, power," Lee said and Ed rolled his eyes. "The people of the Narrows will suffer the most. We can prevent that, while, at the same time, helping us out of this mess we're in".

"Would the two of you shut up?" Charlotte suddenly asked with a glare at the two of them. "I think Lee is right. We need to stop this maniac before he destroys the city".

Ed sulked like a child still wanting his plan to be followed and frustrated because Charlotte had taken Lee's side. "Oh, so we need to stop this maniac, but you had no problem with his maniac twin. Especially when you had to work alongside Freeze".

"Mr. Freeze," Charlotte corrected and Lee facepalmed, knowing Ed would not like that one bit.

"What?" He asked with a crease forming on his forehead.

"It's Mr. Freeze," Charlotte reminded Ed. "He doesn't like when people just call him Freeze".

Ed crossed his arms over his chest and looked away. "Well, I don't care".

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